Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
General resistance tests on flying-boat hull models
Use of Internal Coolant as a Means of Permitting Increase in Engine Take-Off Power
Tests of the Northrop MX-334 glider airplane in the NACA full-scale tunnel
Preknock vibrations in a spark-ignition engine cylinder as revealed by high-speed photography
Engine and inspection tests of methyl tert-butyl ether as a component of aviation fuel
End-zone water injection as a means of suppressing knock in a spark-ignition engine
Fatigue tests of riveted joints : progress report of tests of 17S-T and 53S-T joints
Accelerations and bottom pressures measured on a B-24D airplane in a ditching test
The knock-limited performance of several miscellaneous fuels blended with a base fuel I
Knock-limited performance of blends of AN-F-28 fuel containing 2 percent aromatic amines 1
Knock-limited performance of blends of AN-F-28 fuel containing 2 percent aromatic amines II
Knock-limited performance of blends of AN-F-28 fuel containing 2 percent aromatic amines III
Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Jet-Motor Operation Stability
Effect of several methods of increasing knock-limited power on cylinder temperatures
Application of the method of least squares to engine-cooling analysis
Breaking aircraft-engine oil foams by use of electrically charged condenser plates
Spin-tunnel tests of a 1/57.33-scale model of the Northrop XB-35 airplane
Wind-tunnel investigation of ailerons on a low-drag airfoil 1: The effect of aileron profile
Full-scale wind-tunnel investigation of forward underslung cooling-air ducts
High-altitude cooling VI : axial-flow fans and cooling power
High-altitude cooling IV : intercoolers
High-altitude cooling II : air-cooled engines
High-altitude cooling V : cowling and ducting
High-altitude cooling I : resume of the cooling problem
Intercooler cooling-air weight flow and pressure drop for minimum drag loss
An investigation of aircraft heaters 15: the emissivity of several materials
An interim report on the stability and control of tailless airplanes
A method for welding sheet aluminum to SAE 4140 steel
A method for the rapid estimation of turbulent boundary-layer thickness for calculating profile drag