Browse TRAIL Inventories

Critical stress for an infinitely long flat plate with elastically restrained edges under combined shear and direct stress

Data on buckling strength of curved sheet in compression

Tests of two models representing intermediate inboard and outboard wing sections of the XB-36 airplane

Tests of a dynamic model in NACA tank number 1 to determine the effect of length of afterbody, angle of afterbody keel, gross load, and a pointed step on landing and planning stability

Tank Tests of a 1/8-Size Dynamic Model of the PB2Y-3 Airplane with Simulated Jet Motors: NACA Models 131J, 131J-1 and 131J-2

Theory and preliminary flight tests of an all-movable vertical tail surface

Time-velocity-altitude relations for an airplane diving in a standard atmosphere

Tank tests of a 1/8-size dynamic model of the PB2Y-3 airplane with increased power: NACA model 131

Characteristics of an NACA 66, S-209 section hydrofoil at several depths

Limitations of lifting-line theory for estimation of aileron hinge-moment characteristics

Investigation of surface irregularities on an NACA 63(420)-416, a=1.0 airfoil section for the Glenn L. Martin Company design 195

The effect of mass distribution on the lateral stability and control characteristics of an airplane as determined by tests of a model in the free-flight tunnel

Wind-tunnel tests of ailerons at various speeds 2: ailerons of 0.20 airfoil chord and true contour with 0.60 aileron-chord sealed internal balance on the NACA 66,2-216 airfoil

Wind-tunnel tests of four full-scale seaplane floats

Wind-Tunnel Tests of the 1/9-Scale Model of the Curtiss XP-62 Airplane with Various Vertical Tail Arrangements

Wind-tunnel tests of two tapered wings with straight leading edges and with constant-chord center sections of different spans

Wind-tunnel vibration tests of dual-rotating propellers

Compressibility and Heating Effects on Pressure Loss and Cooling of a Baffled Cylinder Barrel

A Concise Theoretical Method for Profile-Drag Calculation; Advance Report

Profile-drag coefficients of conventional and low-drag airfoils as obtained in flight

Performance of NACA eight-stage axial-flow compressor designed on the basis of airfoil theory

Performance of NACA eight-stage axial-flow compressor at simulated altitude

The NACA balanced-diaphragm dynamometer-torque indicator

Flight studies of the horizontal-tail loads experienced by a fighter airplane in abrupt maneuvers

The flow of a compressible fluid past a circular arc profile

An investigation of a thermal ice-prevention system for a C-46 cargo airplane IV : results of flight tests in dry-air and natural-icing conditions

Intercooler cooling-air weight flow and pressure drop for minimum drag loss

An investigation of a thermal ice-prevention system for a C-46 cargo airplane II : the design, construction, and preliminary tests of the exhaust-air heat exchanger

Performance of an exhaust-gas "blowdown" turbine on a nine-cylinder radial engine

The propeller and cooling-air-flow characteristics of a twin-engine airplane model equipped with NACA D(sub S)-type cowlings and with propellers of NACA 16-series airfoil sections

Flight tests of several exhaust-gas-to-air heat exchangers in the B-17F airplane

On the flow of a compressible fluid by the hodography method II : fundamental set of particular flow solutions of the Chaplygin differential equation

On the flow of a compressible fluid by the hodography method I : unification and extension of present-day results

Compressibility and heating effects on pressure loss and cooling of a baffled cylinder barrel

Compressible potential flow with circulation about a circular cylinder

Analysis of circular shell-supported frames

Experiments on drag of revolving disks, cylinders and streamline rods at high speeds

Air-consumption parameters for automatic mixture control of aircraft engines

Wall interference in a two-dimensional-flow wind tunnel with consideration of the effect of compressibility

Nitrided-steel piston rings for engines of high specific power

Fluid de-icing tests on a Chandler-Evans 1900 CPB-3 carburetor mounted on a Pratt & Whitney R-1830-C4 intermediate rear engine section

A laboratory investigation of the icing characteristics of the Bendix-Stromberg carburetor model PD-12F5 with the Pratt and Whitney R-1830-C4 intermediate rear engine section

Investigation of effects of various camouflage paints and painting procedures on the drag characteristics of an NACA 65 sub (421), sup -420, A = 1.0 airfoil section

Effect of tilt of the propeller axis on the longitudinal-stability characteristics of single-engine airplanes

Estimation of pressures on cockpit canopies, gun turrets, blisters, and similar protuberances

Estimation of pressure distributions at subcritical speeds for turrets located on a wing

Experimental verification of a simplified vee-tail theory and analysis of available data on complete models with vee tails

Supercharged-engine knock tests of methyl tert-butyl ether

Study of Jet-Propulsion System Comprising Blower, Burner, and Nozzle

Tests of a 1/17-scale model of the XBDR-1 airplane in the NACA gust tunnel

Published Year



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