Browse TRAIL Inventories

Progress reports :metallurgical division.

Air flow at discharge of fan-pipe lines in mines.

Onyx marble and travertine

Trends and seasonal variations in factors influencing domestic motor-fuel demand

Petroleum statistics, 1935-38

Aerial tramways in the metal-mining industry :construction and operating costs

Developments in coal research and technology in 1937 and 1938

Friability, grindability, chemical analyses, and high- and low-temperature carbonization assays of Alabama coals

Splint coals of the Appalachian Region:their occurrence, petrography, and comparison of chemical and physical properties with associated bright coals

Carbonizing properties and petrographic composition of Pocahontas no. 3-bed coal from Buckeye no. 3 mine, Wyoming County, W. Va., and of Pocahontas no. 4-bed coal from no. 4 mine, Raleigh County, W. Va.

Carbonizing properties and petrographic composition of Lower Banner-bed coal from Keen Mountain mine, Buchanan County, Va. :and the effect of blending this coal with Pittsburgh-bed (Warden Mine) coal

Bentonite:its properties, mining, preparation, and utilization

Production of explosives in the United States during the calendar year 1939

Coke-oven accidents in the United Statesduring the calendar year 1939

Characteristics of fuel pitches and their explosibility in pulverized form

Coke-oven accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1938

Use of respiratory protective devices under abnormal air pressure

Survey of crude oils of the producing fields of Arkansas

An experimental study of the ignition of firedamp-air mixtures by explosives

Annual report of the Explosives Division, fiscal year 1939

Determination of total water-soluble chlorides in petroleum

Cushioned blasting.

Use of wetting agents for allaying coal dust in mines

Annual report of the Mining Division, fiscal year 1940

Progress reports - metallurgical division.

Natural-gasoline plants in the United States January 1, 1940

Possibilities of manganese production at Leadville, Colo.

Petroleum refineries, including cracking plants, in the United States, January 1, 1940

Novel device for collecting air samples in inaccessible places

Fatalities caused by electric contacts in Alabama coal mines, 1925-39

More jobs for minerals

Cars for transporting explosives

The new metallurgical experiment station for the Bureau of Mines, United States Department of the Interior, at Salt Lake City, Utah

The Potash situation

Portable cabinets for materials used in mineral determinations

Mining and milling methods and costs at Knob Hill Mine, Republic, Wash.

Minerals used in welding

Mining and milling methods and costs at the Ash Peak mine of the Veta Mines, Inc., Duncan, Ariz.

Some information on reduction of quarry accidents

Methods of sampling and analyzing coal-mine dusts for incombustible content

Operations at the Haile Gold Mine, Kershaw, S.C.

Some information for miners about coal-mine ventilation

Petrographic methods and their application to the examination of nonmetallic materials

Testing respiratory protective equipment for approval

Work of the Bureau of Mines safety cars in the Pennsylvania anthracite region from 1934 to 1939

Effect of hydrogen-ion concentration on the growth of hydrgen and carbon monoxide bacteria

Production, employment, and output per man in gypsum mining

Kimberly method of block-caving using slusher drifts

Coal-mine explosions and coal- and metal-mines fires in the United States during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1940

Grinding pebbles and tube-mill liners

Published Year



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