Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Round Heat-Treated Chromium-Molybdenum-Steel Tubing Under Combined Loads
Column Strength of Magnesium Alloy AM-57S
Tensile and Compressive Tests of Magnesium Alloy J-1 Sheet
A Theoretical Investigation of the Rolling Oscillations of an Airplane With Ailerons Free
Progress Report on Fatigue of Spot-Welded Aluminum
A Hot-Wire Circuit With Very Small Time Lag
Principles of Moment Distribution Applied to Stability of Structures Composed of Bars or Plates
Thermodynamic Design of Double-Panel, Air-Heated Windshields for Ice Prevention
Emergency Measures for Increasing the Range of Fighter Airplanes
The effect of altitude on cooling
Derivation of charts for determining the horizontal tail load variation with any elevator motion
Adaptor for Measuring Principal Strains With Tuckerman Strain Gage
Wind-tunnel vibration tests of a four-blade single rotating pusher propeller
Improved baffle designs for air-cooled engine cylinders
An experimental survey of flow across banks of elliptical and pointed tubes
Wind-tunnel data on the aerodynamic characteristics of airplane control surfaces
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Low-Drag Airfoil Section with a Double Slotted Flap
On a function-theory method for obtaining potential-flow patterns of a compressible fluid
On the plane potential flow past a lattice of arbitrary airfoils
Jet-boundary corrections for reflection-plane models in rectangular wind tunnels
NACA Investigation of a Jet-Propulsion System Applicable to Flight
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Characteristics of Blunt-Nose Ailerons on a Tapered Wing
Part-Throttle Operation and Control of a Piston-Ported Two-Stroke Cylinder
Representative Operating Charts of Propellers Tested in the NACA 20-Foot Propeller-Research Tunnel
Experimental Investigation of Entrance-Region Heat-Transfer Coefficients