Browse TRAIL Inventories

Generalized equations for selection charts for heat exchangers in aircraft

Generalized selection charts for bombers powered by one, two, four, and six 3000-horsepower engines 1: capacity and economy

Generalized selection charts for bombers with four 2000-horsepower engines

High-Speed Tests of a Ducted Body with Various Air-Outlet Openings

Generalized selection charts for bombers powered by two, four, and six 3000-horsepower engines

Shear-lag tests of two box beams with flat covers loaded to destruction

Propeller Blade Stresses Caused by Periodic Displacement of the Propeller Shaft

Correlation of Data on the Statistical Theory of Turbulence

Free-spinning-tunnel tests of a 1/23.75-scale model of the Douglas DC-3 airplane

Effect of airplane design efficiency and engine economy on range

Flight tests of NACA jet-propulsion exhaust stacks on the supermarine spitfire airplane

Full-scale wind-tunnel and flight tests of a Fairchild XR2K-1 airplane with a zap flap and upper-surface aileron-wing installation

The effect of dead rise upon the low-angle type of porpoising

Effect of spring and gravity moments in the control system on the longitudinal stability of the Brewster XSBA-1 airplane

Derivation of charts for determining the horizontal tail load variation with any elevator motion

Tire friction coefficients and their relation to ground-run distance in landing

Summary of V-G records taken on transport airplanes from 1932 to 1942

Tests in the 19-foot pressure tunnel of a 1/2.75-scale model of the F4U-1 airplane with several balanced elevators, full-span flaps, and droppable gas tank

A theoretical analysis of the effect of aileron inertia and hinge moment on the maximum rolling acceleration of airplanes in abrupt aileron rolls

Tests of four models representing intermediate sections of the XB-33 airplane including sections with slotted flap and ailerons

Calculation of tab characteristics for flight conditions from wind-tunnel data

Characteristics of plain and balanced elevators on a typical pursuit fuselage at attitudes simulating normal-flight and spin conditions

The Characteristics of Two Model Six-Blade Counterrotating Pusher Propellers of Conventional and Improved Aerodynamic Design

Calculated effects of full-span slotted and Fowler flaps on longitudinal stability and control characteristics for a typical fighter-type airplane with various tail modifications

Calibrations of pitot-static tubes at high speeds

Characteristics of beveled-trailing-edge elevators on a typical pursuit fuselage at altitudes simulating-normal flight and spin conditions

Comparison of tightness of 78 degrees machine-countersunk rivets driven in holes prepared with 78 degrees and 82 degrees countersinking tools

Condensation trails: Where they occur and what can be done about them

The longitudinal stability of flying boats as determined by tests of models in the NACA tank 1: methods used for the investigation of longitudinal stability characteristics

Effect of inlet-air velocity distribution on the metering pressure of an injection-type aircraft carburetor

Exhaust-stack nozzle area and shape for individual cylinder exhaust-gas jet-propulsion system

Wind-tunnel tests of single- and dual-rotating tractor propellers of large blade width

Wind tunnel investigation of control surface characteristics.12 - Various cover-plate alinements on the NACA 0015 airfoil with a 30 percent chord flap and large sealed internal balance

Flight measurements of the effect of various amounts of aileron droop on the low-speed lateral-control characteristics of an observation airplane

The flow of a compressible fluid past a curved surface

NACA Mach number indicator for use in high-speed tunnels

The Measurement of Fuel-Air Ratio by Analysis for the Oxidized Exhaust Gas

Flight tests of thermal ice-prevention equipment in the XB-24F airplane

Icing tests of aircraft-engine induction systems

The effect of compressibility on two-dimensional tunnel-wall interference for a symmetrical airfoil

Ditching tests with 1/10-size model of the Army A-20A airplane I : calm-water tests in NACA tank no.2

Determination of general relations for the behavior of turbulent boundary layers

The problem of longitudinal stability and control at high speeds

Laminar-boundary-layer oscillations and transition on a flat plate

The significance of the time concept in engine detonation

The effect of xylidines on the load-carrying capacity of an aircraft-engine oil I

Effects of mean-line loading on the aerodynamic characteristics of some low-drag airfoils

The effect of xylidines on the corrosiveness of aircraft-engine oil

The effect of xylidines on the stability of an aircraft-engine lubricating oil

The effect on stability and control of a pusher propeller behind conventional tail surfaces as determined by tests of a powered model in the free-flight tunnel

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