Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The Porpoising Characteristics of a Planing Surface Representing the Forebody of a Flying-Boat Hull
The effect of pitch on force and moment characteristics of full-scale propellers of five solidities
The Photoviscous Properties of Fluids
The Electrical Structure of Thunderstorms
The Formation of Ice on Aircraft
Cooling in Cruising Flight With Low Fuel-Air Ratios
Drag and Propulsive Characteristics of Air-Cooled Engine-Nacelle Installations for Large Airplane
The Effect of Cowling Shape on the Stability Characteristics of an Airplane
Recent Results in Rocket Flight Technique
Cooling Tests of an Air-Cooled Engine Cylinder With Copper Fins on the Barrel
Contribution to the Design of Plywood Shells
A Brief Study of the Speed Reduction of Overtaking Airplanes by Means of Air Brakes
Generalized Selection Charts for Harrison and Tubular Intercoolers
The Performance of a Vaneless Diffuser Fan
The Navier-Stokes Stress Principle for Viscous Fluids
Two-Dimensional Potential Flow Past an Ordinary Thick Wing Profile
Wind-Tunnel Investigations of Diving Brakes
Theory of Heat Transfer in Smooth and Rough Pipes
Application of Balancing Tabs to Ailerons
Adjustment of Stick Force by a Nonlinear Aileron-Stick Linkage
Aerodynamic Tests of an M-31 Bomb in the 8-Foot High-Speed Tunnel
Self-Ignition and Combustion of Gases
High-Speed Tests of a Model Twin-Engine Low-Wing Transport Airplane
High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of Gun Openings in the Nose of the Fuselage of a 1/4-Scale Model
Flight Measurements of the Aileron Characteristics of a Grumman F4F-3 Airplane