Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Calibration of Three Temperature Probes and a Pressure Probe at High Speeds
Cooling Investigation of a B-24D Engine-Nacelle Installation in the NACA Full-Scale Tunnel
Determination of the Stability and Control Characteristics of Airplanes from Tests of Powered Models
Tests of a Large Spherical Turret and a Modified Turret on a Typical Bomber Fuselage
Control of Torsional Vibrations by Pendulum Masses
Effect of Normal Pressure on the Critical Compressive Stress of Curved Sheet
The Tracer Gas Method of Determining the Charging Efficiency of Two-Stroke-Cycle Diesel Engines
The Limiting Useful Deflections of Corrugated Metal Diaphragms
Curing of Resin-Wood Combinations by High-Frequency Heating
Improvement of Fatigue Life of an Aluminum Alloy by Overstressing
Stress Analysis of Monocoque Fuselage Bulkheads by the Photoelastic Method
A Preliminary Investigation of the Electrical Structure of Thunderstorms
A Method for Determining the Camber and Twist of a Surface to Support a Given Distribution of Lift
Tidewater and Weather-Exposure Tests on Metals Used in Aircraft - 2
Tests of Propeller-Speed Cooling Blowers
Investigation of Lubricants Under Boundary Friction
Propeller Selection From Aerodynamic Considerations
A flight investigation of short-period longitudinal oscillations of an airplane with free elevator
Flight investigation of an NACA ice-detector suitable for use as a rate-of-icing indicator
An Experimental Investigation of Flow Across Tube Banks
An Investigation of Hydrofoils in the NACA Tank 1: Effect of Dihedral and Depth of Submersion
Interference effects of longitudinal flat plates on low-drag airfoils
Flight investigation of a stall-warning indicator for operation under icing conditions
Generalized selection charts for bombers powered by one, two, four, and six 2000-horsepower engines
High-speed tests of radial-engine nacelles on a thick low-drag wing
The strength of plane web systems in incomplete diagonal tension
A study of the effect of adverse yawing moment on lateral maneuverability at a high lift coefficient
A study of the application of data on various types of flap to the design of fighter brakes
Preliminary experimental investigation of airfoils in cascade
A preliminary investigation of exhaust-gas ejectors for ground cooling