Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
[Memorandums on the Subject of Turbulent Boundary Layers in Compressible Gas at High Speeds]
The Influence of Impact Velocity on the Tensile Characteristics of Some Aircraft Metals and Alloys
Square Plate With Clamped Edges Under Normal Pressure Producing Large Deflections
On a New Method for Calculating the Potential Flow Past a Body of Revolution
Statics of Circular-Ring Stiffeners for Monocoque Fuselages
Stalling Characteristics of the Supermarine Spitfire VA Airplane
Tests of a Stressed-Carrying Door in Shear
Tests of a Stress-Carrying Door in Compression
A Method of Shear-Lag Analysis of Box Beams for Axial Stresses, Shear Stresses, and Shear Center
Effect of Aromatics and Spark Advance on Thermal Efficiency
A Description of the Ju 88 Airplane Anti-Icing Equipment
A Flight Investigation of the Stability of a Towed Body
The Design of Propeller Blade Roots
High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/6-Scale Model of a Twin-Engine Pursuit Airplane
Control-Motion Studies of the PBM-3 Flying Boat in Abrupt Pull-Ups
Elevator Stick Forces in Spins as Computed From Wind-Tunnel Measurements
Prediction of Downwash and Dynamic Pressure at the Tail From Free-Flight Measurements
The Strength and Stiffness of Shear Webs With and Without Lightening Holes
Strength Tests on Hulls and Floats
Construction of Finned Aluminum Muffs for Aircraft Engine Cylinder Barrels
Theoretical Distribution of Load Over a Swept-Back Wing
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Carburetor-Air Inlets
Theory of Heat Transfer and Hydraulic Resistance of Oil Radiators
Influence of Loading Condition on Piloting Technique for Spin Recovery for Pursuit Airplanes
The Influence of Bulkhead Spacing on Bending Stresses Due to Torsion
Pressure-Drop Characteristics of Orifice Plates Used to Simulate Radiators
The Strength and Stiffness of Shear Webs With Round Lightening Holes Having 45 Degree Flanges
A Preliminary Investigation of the Characteristics of Air Scoops on a Fuselage
On a New Method for Calculating the Potential Flow Past a Body of Revolution
The Stresses in Stiffener Openings
A Study of the Tightness and Flushness of Machine-Countersunk Rivets for Aircraft
Wind Tunnel Tests of Wickwire-Spencer Propeller
Investigation of Drag and Pressure Distribution of Windshields at High Speeds
Diagrams for Calculation of Airfoil Lattices
Test of a Dual-Rotation Axial-Flow Fan
Performance Characteristics of Mixed-Flow Impeller and Vaned Diffuser With Several Modifications
Pressure Distribution on Wings in Reversed Flow
Electrical Equipment for the Experimental Study of the Dynamics of Fluids