Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
What the superintendent of a coal mine might do to prevent injury from falls of roof
Accident prevention in coal mining
Connection between physical condition and liability to accidents of metal miners
What the mine foreman can do to prevent injury from falls of roof in coal mines
Hazards and protection of underground transformer installations
The miner's ounce of prevention--the operator's pound of cure
Privately owned mine rescue stations
Reducing accidents from falls of roof in coal mines
Teaching safety through the approval plate
Points to be considered in the design of covers for explosion-proof compartments
What the coal miners can do to prevent injury from falls of roof
The cost of accidents to industry
Industrial safety training at a mining school
The National safety competition of 1930
A new signaling device for shaft mines
The National safety competition of 1931
Guarding trolley wires in mines
Notes pertaining to safety inspections of permissible electric mine equipment
Safety practices at Mine 1, Spring Canyon Coal Co., Utah
Bonuses to encourage safe work and for work safely done
Hazards to underground workers from inflammable surface structures near mine openings
The importance of discipline in mine safety
The National safety competition of 1932
Working an underground mine 6 years without lost-time accidents
A million tons of anthracite mined without a fatality
Operating coal mines without accidents
Safety posters at the Calumet & Hecla mines
Questions and answers on first-aid training
Flame-arresting limitations of flat joints and plain bearings in explosion-proof mine equipment
Accident costs and safety dividends
Falls of coal and rock on man-trips in bituminous-coal mines
The Joseph A. Holmes safety association and its awards
List of devices for respiratory protection approved by the U.S. Bureau of Mines
Some suggestions on the safe handling of electric shovel trailing cables in open-pit mines
Suggested methods for the reduction of mine accidents from the viewpoint of the safety engineer
Some factors affecting an accident-prevention program in metal mining in California
Silicosis as affecting mining workmen and operations
Preventing accidents by the proper use of permissible explosives
How to use permissible explosives properly
Methane-indicating detectors prove dependable in sampling air in anthracite mines
Some suggestions on the prevention of electrical accidents in coal mines
Electrical viewpoint in a complete safety survey of a coal mine