Browse TRAIL Inventories

Some phases of the relative responsibility of management and workers for accidents in mines

Specially recommended trailing cable

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for September, 1931 / by Scott Turner.

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for August, 1931

Active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices approved prior to June 30. 1931.

Coal-mine safety organizations in Alabama

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for October, 1931

Some coal-mine safety organizations in the Pennsylvania bituminous field

Supervision as a means of preventing accidents from falls of roof and coal

Active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices approved prior to June 30, 1932

List of motors available to prospective builders of permissible outfits

250 versus 500 volts or more for circuits in gassy coal mines

Maintenance of electrical mine equipment from the viewpoint of the safety inspector

Hazards to underground workers from inflammable surface structures near mine openings

The importance of discipline in mine safety

Portable electric lamps for animal haulage in Alabama

Blasting practices as they affect the roof of coal mines in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia

Evolution of methane detecting devices for coal mines

Active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices approved prior to June 30, 1933.

A million tons of anthracite mined without a fatality

Operating coal mines without accidents

Bituminous coal-mine safety-inspection outline

List of standard starters available to prospective builders of permissible outfits

Mine safety decision 27

Electric cap lamps in Alabama mines, 1935

Hazard of igniting coal by electric circuits in mines

Methane-indicating detectors prove dependable in sampling air in anthracite mines

Active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices approved prior to July 31, 1936.

Dust hazards and their control in mining

Hazards of compressed-air jets for ventilating gassy mines

List of permissible mine equipment :approved to January 1, 1937

Coal-mine fires of electrical origin :their cause and prevention

Tests of a barrier using rock dust in paper bags

Lighting practices in coal mines of the United States

Mine Safety Board decision 29 :doors for controlling ventilation in coal mines

Mine Safety Board decision 30 :main fan installations at coal mines

Formation, collection, and treatment of coal dust in mines

Published Year

