Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
What the superintendent of a coal mine might do to prevent injury from falls of roof
Accident prevention in coal mining
What the mine foreman can do to prevent injury from falls of roof in coal mines
Reducing accidents from falls of roof in coal mines
What the coal miners can do to prevent injury from falls of roof
Twenty-second semiannual motor gasoline survey
Twenty-second semiannual motor gasoline survey
The National safety competition of 1930
Production of explosives in the United States during the calendar year 1930
The National safety competition of 1931
Falls of roof and coal in mines operating in the Sewickley coal bed in Monongalia County, W. Va.
Production of explosives in the United States :during the calendar year 1931
How to prevent death and injury from falls of roof in coal mines
The National safety competition of 1932
Falls of roof in mines operating in the Pittsburgh Coal Bed, West Virginia
Working an underground mine 6 years without lost-time accidents
Falls of coal and rock on man-trips in bituminous-coal mines
The National safety competition of 1935
Some suggestions on safety in coal-mine haulage
The national safety competition of 1936
Coal-mine explosives :their characteristics, selection and safe use