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German Aircraft Accident Statistics, 1930
Torsional Vibration of Aircraft Engines
The Breda 32 Commercial Airplane (Italian): A Three-Engine All-Metal Low-Wing Monoplane
The D.H. "Fox Moth" Commercial Airplane (British): A Three-Passenger Light Cabin Biplane
The Avro 631 Training Airplane (British): A Two-Seat Light Biplane
The Armstrong Whitworth A.W. 16 Military Airplane (British): A Single-Seat Biplane
The Stieger ST. 4 Light Airplane (British): A Twin-Engine Four-Seat Low-Wing Cabin Monoplane
The Farman Night Bombers 211 and 212 (French): Four-Engine High-Wing Monoplanes
Spartan "Cruiser" Commercial Airplane (British): A Six-Seat Low-Wing Cantilever Monoplane
Determination of Stresses and Deformations of Aircraft Propellers
Experiments With Intubed Propellers
Further Flight Tests on the Effectiveness of Handley Page Automatic Control Slots
Calculation of Potential Flow Past Airship Bodies in Yaw
The Testing of Airplane Fabrics
Methods for Facilitating the Blind Landing of Airplanes
Methods of Recording Rapid Wind Changes
The German Investigation of the Accident at Meopham (England)
Combustion of Gaseous Mixtures
Combustion Velocity of Benzine-Benzol-Air Mixtures in High-Speed Internal-Combustion Engines
Experimental Determination of the Thickness of the Boundary Layer Along a Wing Section
Effect of the Ground on an Airplane Flying Close to It
The Controls at Low Hinge Moments
Automatic Stability of Airplanes
Disintegration of a Liquid Jet
Stresses Developed in Seaplanes While Taking Off and Landing
Towing Tests of Models as an Aid in the Design of Seaplanes
Speed and Pressure Recording in Three-Dimensional Flow
Working Charts for the Determination of the Lift Distribution Between Biplane Wings
The Breguet 410 and 411 Military Airplanes (French): Multiplace Sesquiplane Fighters
Supplement to the Supermarine S.6.B. Racing Seaplane (British): A Low-Wing Twin-Float Monoplane
General Formulas and Charts for the Calculation of Airplane Performance
Drag Tests of 4/9-Scale Model Engine Nacelles With Various Cowlings
Some Ideas on Racing Seaplanes
Transmission of Heat From a Flat Plate to a Fluid Flowing at a High Velocity
Resonance Vibrations of Aircraft Propellers
The Problem of Tire Sizes for Airplane Wheels
Problems Involved in the Choice and Use of Materials in Airplane Construction
Fuel vaporization and its effect on combustion in a high-speed compression-ignition engine
The drag of two streamline bodies as affected by protuberances and appendages
The characteristics of 78 related airfoil sections from tests in the variable-density wind tunnel