Browse TRAIL Inventories

Points to be considered in the design of covers for explosion-proof compartments

Danger to the public from abandoned mine workings and other property

Survey of cracking plants, January 1, 1930

Mining methods and costs at the Argonaut mine, Amador County, California

Milling methods and costs at the northern Idaho mills of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Co.

What the coal miners can do to prevent injury from falls of roof

Systematic timbering rules at the Washington coal mines

The grounding of electric systems in and around mines

Some hazards of transporting explosives in automobile trucks

The cost of accidents to industry

Safety at the mines of the Ford Collieries Co., Curtisville, Pa.

Undercut block-caving method of mining in western copper mines

Explosions in Alabama coal mines

Fatalities in Alabama coal mines

List of permissible self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus, gas masks, and hose masks

Milling method and cost at the conglomerate mill of the Calumet & Hecla Consolidated Copper Co

Mining methods and costs at the Montreal Mine, Montreal, Wis.

Methods of mining at the Black Rock Mine, Butte & Superior Mining Co., Butte District, Mont.

Mining methods and costs of the Silver King Coalition Mines Co., Park City, Utah

The mineral industry and the young engineer

Specially recommended trailing cable

Method of mining a thick coal bed in eastern Utah

Milling methods of the American Zinc Co. of Tennessee, Mascot, Tenn.

Mining bituminous coal by stripping methods

Possible utilization of natural gas for the production of chemical products

Conservation of natural gas in relation to some recent developments

Use of thermodynamical data to study the chemical reactions of metallurgical processes

Sources and distribution of major petroleum products :Atlantic Coast states, 1929

Holmes Safety certificate presentation

Industrial safety training at a mining school

Construction and Operation of the Bureau of Mines Experimental Oil-Shale Plant, 1925-1927

Work of the Safety Division of the United States Bureau of Mines :fiscal year 1930

Gallium, germanium, indium, and scandium

Permissible Electric Mine Lamps

Rock-Strata Gases of the Cripple Creek District, Colorado and Their Effect on Mining

Summarized Data of Silver Production

Zinc Smelting from a Chemical and Thermodynamic Viewpoint

Ventilation of the Large Copper Mines of Arizona

Note on Julius suspensions

Experiments to determine the minimum amount of coal-dust required for propagation of a mine explosion

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for November, 1929

Diamotite as a filler in battery boxes

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for December, 1931

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for September, 1931 / by Scott Turner.

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for March, 1931

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for April, 1931

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for November, 1931

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for August, 1931

Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for January, 1931

Washability studies of the Mary Lee bed at Hull Mine, Dora, Ala.

Published Year



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