Browse TRAIL Inventories

Comparative Performance of Engines Using a Carburetor, Manifold Injection, and Cylinder Injection

Local Instability of Symmetrical Rectangular Tubes Under Axial Compression

Theory of Automatic Control of Airplanes

Intermittent-flow coefficients of a poppet valve

Wind-Tunnel Tests of Several Forms of Fixed Wing Slot in Combination With a Slotted Flap on an N.A.C.A. 23012 Airfoil

Tests of an N.A.C.A. 23012 Airfoil with a slotted deflector flap

The Frequency of Torsional Vibration of a Tapered Beam

Physical Properties of Synthetic Resin Materials

Comparison of Profile-Drag and Boundary-Layer Measurements Obtained in Flight and in the Full-Scale Wind Tunnel

Resume of Air-Load Data on Slats and Flaps

Some Elementary Principles of Shell Stress Analysis With Notes on the Use of the Shear Center

Some fundamental considerations in regard to the use of power in landing an airplane

The Effects of Some Surface Irregularities on Wing Drag

Torsional stability of aluminum alloy seamless tubing

NACA Technical Notes

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Ground Effect on Wings With Flaps

Wind-tunnel investigation of effect of yaw on lateral-stability characteristics 1: four N.A.C.A. 23012 wings of various plan forms with and without dihedral

Compression-ignition engine performance with undoped and doped fuel oils and alcohol mixtures

A semi-graphical method for analyzing strains measured on three or four gage lines intersecting at 45 degrees

A simplified method for the calculation of airfoil pressure distribution

An Experimental Investigation of the Normal Acceleration of an Airplane Model in a Gust

A Comparison of Ignition Characteristics of Diesel Fuels as Determined in Engines and in a Constant-Volume Bomb

An investigation of the drag of windshields in the 8-foot high-speed wind tunnel

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 4-Engine Monoplane Showing Comparison of Air-Cooled and Liquid-Cooled Engine Installations

Experiments on a Slotted Wing

Static Thrust and Power Characteristics of Six Full-Scale Propellers

Calculation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Tapered Wings With Partial-Span Flaps

Experimental Verification of the Theory of Oscillating Airfoils

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (24th). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 612 to 644

The Calculated Effect of Various Hydrodynamic and Aerodynamic Factors on the Take-Off of a Large Flying Boat

An Electrical-Type Indicating Fuel Flowmeter

Engine Operation in Flight for Minimum Fuel Consumption

The Effect of Streamlining the Afterbody of an N.A.C.A. Cowling

The Effect of Compressibility on the Pressure Reading of a Prandtl Pitot Tube at Subsonic Flow Velocity

Design of Centrifugal Impeller Blades

Drag and Propulsive Characteristics of Air-Cooled Engine-Nacelle Installations for Large Airplanes, Special Report

Increase of the Specific Load Under Tension, Compression, and Buckling of Welded Steel Tubes in Airplane Construction by Suitable Treatment of Structural Steel and by Proper Design

Acceleration, Stress, and Deflection Measurements on the XB-15 Bomber in Gusty Air

Investigation of an Electrically Heated Airplane Windshield for Ice Prevention, Special Report

An Investigation of the Prevention of Ice on the Airplane Windshield

An Investigation of the Drag of Windshields in the 8-Foot High-Speed Wind Tunnel

Preliminary Report on Laminar-Flow Airfoils and New Methods Adopted for Airfoil and Boundary-Layer Investigations

High-Speed Tests of Radial-Engine Cowlings

Full-Scale Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Wing-Cooling Ducts Effects of Propeller Slipstream, Special Report

Intercooler Design for Aircraft, Special Report

Interference of Tail Surfaces and Wing and Fuselage from Tests of 17 Combinations in the N.A.C.A. Variable-Density Tunnel

Ground-cooling and flight tests of an airplane equipped with a nose-blower engine cowling

High-Speed Tests of Conventional Radial-Engine Cowlings

Tests of Several Model Nacelle-Propeller Arrangements in Front of a Wing

Published Year



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