Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Tests of a barrier using rock dust in paper bags
Earth vibrations caused by mine blasting :progress report 2
Ball-mill grindability indexes of some American coals
Federal placer-mining laws and regulations,
Coal-mine explosives :their characteristics, selection and safe use
Petroleum refineries, including cracking plants, in the United States, January 1, 1938
Natural-gasoline plants in the United States January 1, 1938
Hazards of methane from well water in some sections of Illinois
Gold mining and milling in Idaho County, Idaho
Some instruments and devices that coal-mine officials should understand and use
Forwarding health and safety in coal mining by use of watering methods
Ichthyol :its source and properties
Some observations on coal-mine fans and coal-mine ventilation
Lighting practices in coal mines of the United States
Review of literature on conditioning air for advancement of health and safety in mines
Reconnaissance of placer mining in Boise County, Idaho
A technique for use of the impinger method
Reconnaissance of mining districts in Humboldt county, Nevada
Laboratories that make assays, analyses and tests on ores, minerals, and other substances
Gold mining and milling in northeastern Oregon
Thousands killed by coal-mine explosions in the United States
List of permissible mine equipment approved during 1937
Fatalities in Illinois coal mine, 1934-36
Accident experience of Louisiana salt mines
Mining and milling methods and costs at the Summitville Consolidated Mines, Inc., Summitville, Colo.
The Bureau of Mines and mineral utilization
Gold mining and milling in the Wickenburg area, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Ariz.
Smoke abatement :selections from papers by O. P. Hood
Reducing cost of workmen's compensation in the mining industry
Preparation of thin sections of coal
Mine Safety Board decision 29 :doors for controlling ventilation in coal mines
Bureau of Mines haldane gas-analysis apparatus
Power-shovel and dragline placer mining
Multiple-shift mechanical mining in some bituminous coal mines.
Methods for protection against silicosis and when they are justified
Technique for routine use of the konimeter
Mining and milling methods and costs of the Golden Anchor Mining Co., Burgdorf, Idaho
The treatment and sale of black sands
Some of the results of recent research on the control or prevention of silicosis
Annual report of research and technologic work on coal, fiscal year 1937