Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Tests of a Contra-Propeller for Aircraft
Scavenging a Piston-Ported Two-Stroke Cylinder
Discharge Characteristics of a Simulated Unit Injection System
The Pressure Available for Ground Cooling in Front of the Cowling of Air-Cooled Airplane Engines
A method of rapidly estimating the position of the laminar separation point
The Effect of Surface Irregularities on Wing Drag 1 - Rivets and Spot Welds
The Effect of Surface Irregularities on Wing Drag 2 - Lap Joints
The Effect of Surface Irregularities on Wing Drag 4 - Manufacturing Irregularities
The Effect of Surface Irregularities on Wing Drag 3 - Roughness
The Conversion of Energy in a Radiator
Full-Scale Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Wing Cooling Ducts, Special Report
On the Theory of Hydrofoils and Planing Surfaces
Comparison of free-spinning wind-tunnel results with corresponding full-scale spin results
Investigation in the 7-by-10 Foot Wind Tunnel of Ducts for Cooling Radiators within an Airplane Wing
Airfoil Theory at Supersonic Speed
Corrugated metal diaphragms for aircraft pressure-measuring instruments
Pressure drop in tank and float vent tubes on diving airplanes
An approximate spin design criterion for monoplanes
Activation of hydrocarbons and the octane number
The effect of the slipstream on an airplane wing
Preliminary report on the characteristics of the NACA 4400R series airfoils
Heat-transfer tests of a steel cylinder barrel with aluminum fins
The design of fins for air-cooled cylinders
The influence of directed air flow on combustion in spark-ignition engine
Cooling on the front of an air-cooled engine cylinder in a conventional engine cowling
The application of basic data on planing surfaces to the design of flying-boat hulls
Downwash and wake behind plain and flapped airfoils
Design charts for predicting downwash angles and wake characteristics behind plain and flapped wings
Airfoil section characteristics as affected by variations of the Reynolds number
Aircraft rate-of-climb indicators
The aerodynamic characteristics of six full-scale propellers having different airfoil sections
Effect of fuel-air ratio, inlet temperature, and exhaust pressure on detonation