Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The 6-Foot-4-Inch Wind Tunnel at the Washington Navy Yard
The Aerodynamic Drag of Flying-Boat Hull Model as Measured in the NACA 20-Foot Wind Tunnel - 1
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Several Airfoils of Low Aspect Ratio
Propeller vibrations and the effect of the centrifugal force
Vortex Noise From Rotating Cylindrical Rods
Performance tests of a single-cylinder compression-ignition engine with a displacer piston
Strength Tests of Thin-Walled Duralumin Cylinders in Combined Transverse Shear and Bending
Tank tests of a model of a flying-boat hull with a fluted bottom
Full-scale force and pressure-distribution tests on a tapered U.S.A. 45 airfoil
Bending Stresses Due to Torsion in Cantilever Box Beams
Strength tests of thin-walled duralumin cylinders of elliptic section
Wind-tunnel tests of a cyclogiro rotor
Method of Testing Oxygen Regulators
Tank tests of model 11-G flying-boat hull
The Effect of Depth of Step on the Water Performance of a Flying-Boat Hull Model N.A.C.A. Model 11-C
The thermodynamics of combustion in the Otto cycle engine
A preliminary determination of normal accelerations on racing airplanes
Comparative Tests of Pitot-Static Tubes
The Effect of the Angle of Afterbody Keel on the Water Performance of a Flying-Boat Hull Model
The Initial Torsional Stiffness of Shells With Interior Webs
Tank tests of a model of a flying-boat hull having a longitudinally concave planing bottom
Flight tests of a balanced split flap with particular reference to rapid operation
Drag of Prestone and Oil Radiators on the YO-31A Airplane
Development of the N.A.C.A. Slot-Lip Aileron
The 1934 Contest for the Deutsch De La Meurthe Trophy
Some Effects of Argon and Helium Upon Explosions of Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen
The Aerodynamic Aspect of Wing-Fuselage Fillets
Notes on New French Commercial Airplanes
Modification of Wing-Section Shape to Assure a Predetermined Change in Pressure Distribution
Ice Prevention on Aircraft by Means of Impregnated Leather Covers, Special Report
Torsion and buckling of open sections
Contribution to the problem of airfoils spanning a free jet
General instability criterion of laminar velocity distributions
Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 209 combinations in the NACA variable-density tunnel
The measurement of the field of view from airplane cockpits
Impact of a vee-type seaplane on water with reference to elasticity