Browse TRAIL Inventories

Method for the determination of the spanwise lift distribution

The bending of beams with thin tension flanges

Air flow around finned cylinders

Improved airplane windshields to provide vision in stormy weather

Effect of moderate air flow on the distribution of fuel sprays after injection cut-0ff

Aircraft compass characteristics

Computation of the two-dimensional flow in a laminar boundary layer

Relation of hydrogen and methane to carbon monoxide in exhaust gases from internal-combustion engines

Relative loading on biplane wings of unequal chords

An Application of the Von Karman-Millikan Laminar Boundary-Layer Theory and Comparison With Experiment

The Relative Hydrodynamic Resistance of Various Types of Rivet Heads from Tests of Planning Surfaces, Special Report

The Soap-Bubble Method of Studying the Combustion of Mixtures of Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen

Kay 331 Gyroplane (British): All-Metal Single-Seat Light Rotor Plane

Distribution and Regularity of Injection From a Multicylinder Fuel-Injection Pump

Wind-Tunnel Interference With Particular Reference to Off-Center Positions of the Wing and to the Downwash at the Tail

Combustion in a Bomb With a Fuel-Injection System

A Flight Investigation of the Spinning of the F4B-2 Biplane with Various Loads and Tail Surfaces

A Turbulence Indicator Utilizing the Diffusion of Heat

The Heat Transfer of Cooling Fins on Moving Air

Weldability of High-Tensile Steels From Experience in Airplane Construction, With Special Reference to Welding Crack Susceptibility

Tests of Spheres With Reference to Reynolds Number, Turbulence, and Surface Roughness

The Denis-Gruson Six-Component Wind-Tunnel Balance

Glider Development in Germany: A Technical Survey of Progress in Design in Germany Since 1922

Gliding in Convection Currents

Hydrodynamic Tests of Models of Seaplane Floats

The Aeronautical Laboratory of the Stockholm Technical Institute

Total-Head Meter With Small Sensitivity to Yaw

A Discussion of the Several Types of Two-Stroke-Cycle Engines

Ground Effect on the Take-Off and Landing of Airplanes

Experiments with Suction-Type Wings

Tests of a Wing-Nacelle-Propeller Combination at Several Pitch Settings Up to 42 Degrees

Investigation of Full-Scale Split Trailing-Edge Wing Flaps With Various Chords and Hinge Locations

Noise From Two-Blade Propellers

The Effect of Water Vapor on Flame Velocity in Equivalent Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen Mixtures

Further Studies of Flame Movement and Pressure Development in an Engine Cylinder

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic Balancing of Upper-Surface Ailerons and Split Flaps

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Ordinary and Split Flaps on Airfoils of Different Profile

The Interdependence of Profile Drag and Lift With Joukowski Type and Related Airfoils

Wind-tunnel tests of a wing with a trailing-edge auxiliary airfoil used as a flap

Calculations of the Effect of Wing Twist on the Air Forces Acting on a Monoplane Wing

Principal Effects of Axial Load on Moment-Distribution Analysis of Rigid Structures

Reduction of hinge moments of airplane control surfaces by tabs

Some effects of injection advance angle, engine-jacket temperature, and speed on combustion in a compression-ignition engine

Effects of air-fuel spray and flame formation in a compression-ignition engine

Tests in the variable-density wind tunnel of related airfoils having the maximum camber unusually far forward

Tank tests of NACA model 40 series of hulls for small flying boats and amphibians

Hydrogen as an auxiliary fuel in compression-ignition engines

Potential flow about arbitrary biplane wing sections

Preliminary tests in the NACA free-spinning wind tunnel

An Application of the Von Kármán-Millikan Laminar Boundary-Layer Theory and Comparison With Experiment

Published Year



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