Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Quarry Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1929
Physical Testing of Explosives at the Bureau of Mines Explosives Experiment Station, Brueceton, Pa.
Factors Influencing Flow of Natural Gas Through High-Pressure Transmission Lines
Mine ventilation in the Coeur d'Alene mining district
Mining methods and costs at the Spring Hill Mine, Montana Mines Corporation, Helena, Mont.
Mining methods of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Co., Kellogg, Idaho
Chalk, whiting, and whiting substitutes
Mining methods and practices at the United Verde Copper mine, Jerome, Arizona
Iceland spar and optical fluorite
Milling methods and costs at the Argonaut Mill, Jackson, Calif.
Limits of Inflammability of Gases and Vapors
Gases that Occur in Metal Mines
Explosives Accidents in the Anthracite Mines of Pennsylvania: 1923-1927
A Study of Refractories Service Conditions in Boiler Furnaces
Petroleum Refinery Statistics: 1929
Permissible Coal-Handling Equipment: Approved from January, 1926, to December, 1930, Inclusive
Relationship Between Oxidizability and Composition of Coal
Laboratory Testing of the Inflammability of Coal and other Dusts Conducted by the Bureau of Mines
Mining methods of the Ducktown Chemical & Iron Co., Mary Mine, Isabella, Tenn.
Construction of the Wachusett-Coldbrook Tunnels
Safety inspections in and around iron mines in the Lake Superior district
Safety standards and safety suggestions at iron mines in the Lake Superior region
Coal-Mine Fatalities in January, 1931
Safety in the iron mines of the Menominee Range, Michigan
Milling methods and costs of Coniaurum Mines, Ltd., Schumacher, Ontario
Milling methods and costs of the Minas de Matahambre, S.A., concentrator
Milling methods and costs at the Homestake Mine, Lead, S. Dak.
Some coal-mine safety organizations in the Pennsylvania bituminous field
Some safety records in Illinois coal mines