Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Permissible explosives, mining equipment, and apparatus approved prior to January 1, 1925
Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1924
Miscellaneous analyses of foreign coals.
The Legendary "White Metal" and its "Ore"
Coal-Mine Fatalities in the United States, 1924
Metal-Mine Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1923
Quarry Accidents in the United States During the Calendar Year 1923
Properties of typical crude oils from the producing fields of the western hemisphere
Accidents at metallurgical works in the United States :during the calendar year 1923
Mine Timber: Its Selection, Storage, Treatment, and Use
Garnet: Its Mining, Milling, and Utilization
Sources of Limestone, Gypsum, and Anhydrite for Dusting Coal Mines to Prevent Explosions
Screen Sizing of Coal, Ores and Other Minerals
Protection of Oil and Gas Field Equipment Against Corrosion
Surface Machinery and Methods for Oil-Well Pumping
Tests of a Large Boiler Fired with Powdered Coal at the Lakeside Station, Milwaukee
Review of Safety and Health Conditions in the Mines at Butte
Explosion Hazards From the Use of Pulverized Coal at Industrial Plants
The Treatment of Manganese-Silver Ores
The application of compressed air to the Elliott Pool, Nowata County, Oklahoma
Compensation insurance rates as a measurement of accident prevention in mines
The disposal of petroleum foots oil
Sanitary survey of the coal mines of Alabama
Methods of testing high-pressure natural-gas lines for leakage losses
Extinction of methane flames by helium
Recent progress in slate technology
Gas-making and fuel problems of the gas industry of California
Magnetic concentration of flue dust of the Birmingham district
Explosibility of oil-shale dust
Fatalities in the California petroleum industry during the calendar year 1925
Fourteenth semi-annual motor gasoline survey
Stream measurement in relation to mine drainage
Rock-dust material for coal mines
Leakage losses from pipe lines carrying natural gas under high pressures
Record of the Pittsburgh testing station standard dynamite
Gases commonly used in the industries and the home and their hazards
The movement of oil through the Panama Canal
Lessons from the fire in the Argonaut mine