Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Methods for the recovery of platinum, iridium, palladium, gold, and silver from jewelers' waste
Size and character of grains of nonmetallic mineral fillers
Smoke-abatement investigation at Grafton, W. Va.
Oxidation of zinc vapor by carbon dioxide
Conditions affecting the activity of iron oxides in removing hydrogen sulphide from city gas
Silver in chloride volatilization
Detection of small quantities of petroleum vapor with the Burrell methane indicator
Metal-mine accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1922
The purification of copper sulphate solutions
Gas Masks for Gasoline and Petroleum Vapors
Experiments in the Use of Back Pressures on Oil Wells
Oil Shale: An Historical, Technical, and Economic Study
The utilization of dolomite for refractories
Saving gasoline and increasing mileage by proper carburetor adjustment
Permissible Explosives, Mining Equipment, and Apparatus Approved Prior to January 1, 1924
Coal-Mine Fatalities in the United States, 1923
Quarry accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1922
Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1923
Central District Bituminous Coals as Water-Gas Generator Fuel
Coal-Mining Problems in the State of Washington
Estimation of Underground Oil Reserves by Oil-Well Production Curves
Tests of Lignite Char as Reduction Fuel in the Smelting of Zinc Ores
Method of increasing lump-coal production with especial reference to Southern Illinois
Evaporation losses of gasoline in the refinery
Some common mistakes in operating a stoker-fired boiler
Falls of roof and coal in bituminous coal-mines
Possibilities in the use of helium-oxygen mixtures as a mitigation of caisson disease
Georgia and Alabama clays as fillers
Metallurgical treatment of zinc-retort residues
Bituminous coal as generator fuel for large water-gas sets with waste-heat boilers
Small hose streams for fighting mine fires
The Bureau of Mines Orsat apparatus for gas analysis
A critical study of the Burrell indicator for combustible gases in air
Vapor pressures of the common metallic chlorides and a static method for high temperatures
Cleaning tests of central Illinois coal
Incomplete combustion in natural-gas space heaters
Value of bituminous coal and coke for generating steam in a low-pressure cast-iron boiler
Paraffin wax and its properties :methods of testing wax and of analyzing oil-wax mixtures