Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Notes on Landing Places for Sea Planes Along the Atlantic Coast
Some Principles Governing the Establishment of Meteorological Stations Along Air Routes
Differential Equations in Airplane Mechanics
Evolution of Modern Aviation and Experimental and Technical Researches in Aerodynamic Laboratories
Manometer for Recording Air Speed
Test of Specimen of Wood of Longerons of the S.E.5 Airplane After Seven Years' Service
Training of Aeronautical Engineers
Deflection of Propeller Blades While Running
The "Universal" Adjustable and Reversible Propeller Built by Paragon Engineers, Inc., Baltimore, MD
Technical Problems of Commercial Flying
The Stresses in Columns Under Combined Axial and Side Loads
Potentialities of the Parachute
The R-38 Catastrophe and the Mechanics of Rigid Airship Construction
Aerial Convention of October 13, 1919
General Problem of the Airplane
Description of the Klemperer Wing Strain Meter (Accelerometer)
The Prevention of Fire in the Air
International Aspects of Air Travel
Fatigue Resistance of Duralumin
Wind Vane With Various Applications
The Disposal of Military Aircraft
Principle of the Boerner Airship