Browse TRAIL Inventories

Notes on Landing Places for Sea Planes Along the Atlantic Coast

Some Principles Governing the Establishment of Meteorological Stations Along Air Routes

Differential Equations in Airplane Mechanics

Evolution of Modern Aviation and Experimental and Technical Researches in Aerodynamic Laboratories

Joukowski Wings

Manometer for Recording Air Speed

Test of Specimen of Wood of Longerons of the S.E.5 Airplane After Seven Years' Service

Miniature Airplanes

Training of Aeronautical Engineers

Deflection of Propeller Blades While Running

The "Universal" Adjustable and Reversible Propeller Built by Paragon Engineers, Inc., Baltimore, MD

Type of Engine to Employ

Mechanical Aids to Flight

Aviation and Insurance

The Choice of Air Routes

Technical Problems of Commercial Flying

Stability of Airplanes

Aviation in the Belgian Congo

Aerodynamics and Ballistics

The Stresses in Columns Under Combined Axial and Side Loads

Turn Indicator

Police Regulation of Aircraft

Potentialities of the Parachute

The World's Air Transportation Services: Data as to Passengers, Mail, and Goods Carried by American and European Transportation Services

The R-38 Catastrophe and the Mechanics of Rigid Airship Construction

Effect of Structure in Middle Part of Leading Edge of a Thick Wing: Communication From Rijks-Studiedienst Voor De Luchtvaart of Amsterdam

Engine Pistons of Light Metal

Beacon Lights for Air Traffic

Fakir Fuel Pump

Maritime Aviation

This Summer's Gliding Meets

Safety in Flight

Aerial Convention of October 13, 1919

General Problem of the Airplane

Resume of the Activities of the Aeronautical Experimental Institute, Rome, During the Months of May, June, July and August 1921

Description of the Klemperer Wing Strain Meter (Accelerometer)

Selling Air Transport

What Retards Air Transport?

Giant Airplanes

The Prevention of Fire in the Air

International Aspects of Air Travel

Fatigue Resistance of Duralumin

Wind Vane With Various Applications

The Disposal of Military Aircraft

Principle of the Boerner Airship

Problem of the Slotted Wing: A Communication From the Aerodynamic Institute of the Aachen Technical High School

The Organization of Airways

Problem of Glider Models

Illumination of Airways and Landing Fields

Propeller Tests on Airplanes

Published Year



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