Browse TRAIL Inventories

Comparative tests of by-product coke and other fuels for house-heating boilers

Metal-mine fires

Water-gas tar emulsions

Tests of low-grade and complex ores in Colorado

How steam production costs were reduced in a hand-fired return-tubular boiler plant

List of publications on ceramic investigations U.S. Bureau of Mines

Bibliography of Petroleum and Allied Substances in 1919 and 1920

Explosives: Their Materials, Constitution, and Analysis

The Electrothermic Metallurgy of Zinc

Talc and Soapstone: Their Mining, Milling, Products and Uses

Timbering of Metal Mines

Change Houses in the Lake Superior Region

Tests of a Powdered-Coal Plant: A Report of Investigations at the Power Plant of the St. Joseph Lead Co., Rivermines, Missouri

Leaching Nonsulphide Copper Ores with Sulphur Dioxide

Recovery of Gasoline from Uncondensed Still Vapors

Carbon Tetrachloride Extinguisher of Electric Fires

Comparison of Gas Masks, Hose Masks, and Oxygen-Breathing Apparatus

Solubility of finely divided rock dusts in water, kerosine, and alcohol

Carbon-monoxide hazards from tobacco smoke

Fuels available for domestic use as substitutes for anthracite coal

Platinum assays and platinum promotions

Manual for Oil and Gas Operations [Part 2]

Manual for Oil and Gas Operations [Part 1]

Industrial Accidents in the California Oil Fields

The Use of Oxygen or Oxygenated Air in Metallurgical and Allied Processes: Report of the Committee for the Application of Oxygen or Oxygenated Air

Accidents at metallurgical works in the United States :during the calendar year 1922

Coal-mine fatalities in the United States, 1922

Analyses of Ohio coals

Coke-oven accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1922

Analytical Methods for Certain Metals Including Cerium, Thorium, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Radium, Uranium, Vanadium, Titanium and Zirconium

Investigation of Toxic Gases from Mexican and other High-Sulphur Petroleums and Products: Report by the Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior, to the American Petroleum Institute

Analyses of Samples of Delivered Coal: Collected from July 1, 1915 to January 1, 1922, with a Chapter on the Tidewater Pool Classifications

Bibliography of Petroleum and Allied Substances, 1921

Production and Briquetting of Carbonized Lignite

An Investigation of Powdered Coal as Fuel for Power-Plant Boilers: Tests at Oneida Street Power Station, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Preparation, Transportation, and Combustion of Powdered Coal

Underground Ventilation at Butte

Results of Assays of the New Albany Oil-Shale

Efficiencies in the Use of Bituminous Coking Coal as Water-Gas Generator Fuel

The Chloride Volatilization Process of Ore Treatment

The electrical manufacture of carbon black

Revised list of publications on ceramic investigations, Bureau of Mines

Firing a hand-fired down-draft furnace

The carbon monoxide self-rescuer

Determination of gas distribution in internal-combustion engines by gas analysis

Zinc used for roofing

Factors retarding transmission of radio signals underground, and some further experiments and conclusions

Properties of California crude oils.

The production of lime from small stone

Exhaust gases from engines using ethyl gasoline

Published Year



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