Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Some Factors of Airplane Engine Performance
Diagrams of Airplane Stability
General Theory of the Steady Motion of an Airplane
Angles of Attack and Air Speeds During Maneuvers
The Calculated Performance of Airplanes Equipped With Supercharging Engines
Laying out of a practical air route
Airplane stability calculations and their verification by flight tests
Best rectangular and I-shaped cross sections for airplane wing spars
Behavior of aviation engines at different air densities
Air forces, moments and damping on model of fleet airship Shenandoah
Aerial navigation by dead reckoning
Lecture on the Rhon soaring flight competition, 1921
Airplane performance, past and present
Deterioration of Airplane Fabrics
Recent Progress in the Theory of Air Flow as Applied to Aeronautics
Aerodynamic Laboratory at Cuatro Vientos
Aerodynamic Computation of Gliders
Utilization Conditions of Different Types of Airplanes
Irresponsibility Clause in Air Traffic Contracts
Organization and Exploitation of Regular Aerial Transportation Lines
Balloon Fabrics Made of Goldbeater's Skins
Commercial Airplanes and Seaplanes: Thick Wings or Thin Wings - All Metal or Mixed Construction
Comparison of Nonrigid and Semirigid Airships
Causes of Failure of Airship Sheds
Aeronautic Instruments Section 8: Recent Developments and Outstanding Problems
Spontaneous Combustion of Hydrogen
The Glider of the College Aviation Group of the Technical High School, Hanover
The Efficiency of a Wind Tunnel
Vibrations of Aviation Engines
The Aerodynamical Laboratory of the Vienna Technical High School
The "Universal Propeller": Built by Paragon Engineers, Inc., Baltimore, MD.
Bagnulo Heavy Fuel Internal Combustion Engine and Its Employment in Aviation