Browse TRAIL Inventories

Analyses of Kentucky coals

The Analytical Distillation of Petroleum and its Products

Evaporation Loss of Petroleum in the Mid-Continent Field

The Technology of Slate

Fusibility of Ash from Coals of the United States

Analyses of Mine and Car Samples of Coal Collected in the Fiscal Years 1916 to 1919

Experimental Production of Alloy Steels

Prospecting and Testing for Oil and Gas

Lessons From the Granite Mountain Shaft Fire, Butte

Drilling and Dustiness of Metal-Mine Air

Carbon Black--its Manufacture, Properties and Uses

Preparation and Uses of Tar and its Simple Crude Derivatives

Oil-Shale: An Historical, Technical, and Economic Study

The sulphur dioxide leaching process :method for treating nonsulphide copper ores as developed at the Southwest experiment station of the Bureau of Mines

Bureau of Mines investigates gold in oil shales and its possible recovery

Smoke abatement

The motor gasoline surveys of 1920 and 1921 :(a sequel to bulletin 191)

Permissible explosives, mining equipment and apparatus approved prior to January 1, 1923

Rock loading at lime-plant quarries

Quarry problems from the engineer's viewpoint

Distribution of air in metal-mine ventilation with especial reference to flexible tubing methods

Who pays for the accidents?

Lifting costs at oil well properties

Atmospheric conditions and physiological effects produced on trainmen by locomotive smoke in the Aspen and the Wahsatch tunnels of the Union Pacific Railroad

Cooling of mine air

Bibliography of magnesian cements

Report of lignite carbonizing experiments conducted at Grand Forks in 1922

The use of vapor-tight tankage in the oil fields

The value of oxygen breathing apparatus to the mining industry

Morbidity studies as an aid in preventing illness among miners

The treatment of natural-gas gasoline to meet the doctor test

Gasoline saved on government trucks by adjusting carburetors by exhaust gas analysis

Metallurgical possibilities of the descloizite ores at Goodsprings, Nevada

Coal analyses from twenty-five laboratories compared

An economic study of the New Albany shale

The reduction of iron oxides by fuel gases

Physiological effect of high temperatures and humidities with and without air movement

Certain interfacial tension equilibria important in flotation

Production of explosives in the United States during the calendar year 1922 :with notes on mine accidents due to explosives

The universal and the fireman's gas masks

Progress of investigations on liquid-oxygen explosives

Carbon monoxide hazards from house heaters burning natural gas

Mine rescue standards :a tentative study

Metal-mine accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1921

Quarry accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1921

Accidents at metallurgical works in the United States :during the calendar year 1921

Fires in steamship bunker and cargo coal

Uses of water in the oil-shale industry :with particular reference to engineering requirements

Anhydrous aluminum chloride

Methods of decreasing evaporation losses of petroleum

Published Year



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