Browse TRAIL Inventories

The economic relation of accidents and preventable diseases to the coal-mining industry

Fighting a mine fire with its own gases

Gum-forming constituents in gasoline

Feldspar mining and milling :near Keene, New Hampshire


Analytical distillations of typical shale oils

Physiological effects of exposure to low concentrations of carbon monoxide

Bibliography of articles relating to the preservation of mine timber

Methods for determining sediment in fuel oils

Momentary heating of inflammable coal dusts


Compressed-air blowers as an aid to metal-mine ventilation

Conditions in the feldspar industry

Subject list of reports of investigations :(this list covers all reports issued up to December 31, 1921)

Milling methods in the tri-state zinc district

Bibliography of literature on sampling to July, 1921

Value of coke, anthracite, and bituminous coal for generating steam in a low-pressure cast-iron boiler

Proposed method for reducing mineral waste in the Wisconsin zinc district, Wisconsin

Metal-mine accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1920

Methods for testing petroleum products :adopted by the Interdepartmental Petroleum Specifications Committee : a handbook for inspecting laboratories

Quarry accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1920

Tests of gas masks and respirators for protection from locomotive smoke in railroad tunnels with analyses of tunnel atmospheres

Inclusions in aluminum-alloy sand castings

Preparation of light aluminum-copper casting alloys

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1921

Production of explosives in the United States :during the calendar year 1921: with notes on mine accidents due to explosives

Operation and maintenance of electrical equipment approved for permissibility by the Bureau of Mines

Specifications for petroleum products :adopted by the Interdepartmental Petroleum Specifications Committee : effective January 23, 1922, amended March 1, 1922

Economic combustion of waste fuels

The use of electrolytes in the purification and preparation of clays

Compressed-air illness and its engineering importance :with a report of cases at the East River tunnels

Survey of Pacific Coast petroleum products


Use of bituminous coal in househeating furnaces

Use of the churn drill at lime-plant quarries

Coal-Dust Explosion Tests in the Experimental Mine 1913-1918, Inclusive

Safe Mechanical Equipment for Use in Shaft Sinking

Recent Progress in the Thawing of Frozen Gravel in Placer Mining

Electric Brass Furnace Practice

Natural Gas Manual for the Home


Use of geophone in locating compressed-air leaks

Storage and transportation of Portland cement :with a bibliography

Why miners' portable electric lamps require safety devices


Electric Brass Furnace Practice

Recovery of Gasoline From Uncondensed Still Vapors

Accidents at metallurgical works in the United States :during the calendar year 1920

Coal-mine fatalities in the United States, 1921

Permissible explosives, mining equipment, and apparatus, approved prior to March 15, 1922

Published Year



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