Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A high-speed engine pressure indicator of the balanced diaphragm type
Design of wind tunnels and wind tunnel propellers II
Aerodynamic characteristics of aerofoils I
Effects of nature of cooling surface on radiator performance
Statical longitudinal stability of airplanes
Pressure Measurements During Flight
Flexibility of Bearing Surfaces and Stress on Fabrics
Influence of Struts and Stays on the Speed of an Airplane
Extracts From the Belgian Regulations for Government Assistance to Air Transport Companies
Some Remarks Concerning Soaring Flight
Abstracts from the German Technical Press: Rates for Flights Organized by the State
Pressure Drop in Radiator Air Tubes
Turbulence in the Air Tubes of Radiators for Aircraft Engines
Some New Tests at the Gottingen Laboratory
On the Definition of the Standard Atmosphere
The Drawing of Experimental Curves
Lift Theory of Supporting Surfaces: Second Article
Properties of Special Types of Radiators
The Rumpler Passenger Airplane
The Law Relating to Air Currents
Sixth Meeting of the Members of the German Scientific Association for Aeronautics
Extracts from the German Technical Process. Transport Airplanes.
British Certificates of Airworthiness
Observations on the Method of Determining the Velocity of Airships
Simple Means for Saving Fuel on Traffic Flights
The Dynamometer Hub and the Flywheel of the Engine
Commercial Aviation in Germany: Past and Future
The Art of Writing Scientific Reports
Development of Aeronautical Engines by the Army and Navy
The Small Diesel Engine as an Automotive Engine
Competition for Safety Fuel Tanks
Glossary of Terms Used in Flying Boat Hull Construction
Shape and Strength of Seaplane Under-Structures With Special Regard to Seaworthiness
A Petrol-Proof Flexible Tubing at Last: An Invention of the Greatest Importance to Aviation
Study of the Resistance Offered by Propellers Rotating on an Airstream
Aeronautic Instruction in Germany
Traffic Airships With Special Reference to Economy
Design of Wind Tunnels and Wind Tunnel Propellers, 2
New Lateral Stabilizing Device for Airplanes
On the Resistance of Spheres and Ellipsoids in Wind Tunnels
Torsion of wing trusses at diving speeds
The pressure distribution over the horizontal tail surfaces of an airplane 2