Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Drag and Cooling With Various Forms of Cowling for A "Whirlwind" Radial Air-Cooled Engine - 1
Experiments With a Wing From Which the Boundary Layer Is Removed by Pressure or Suction
Full Scale Tests on a Thin Metal Propeller at Various Tip Speeds
Full-Scale Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Series of Metal Propellers on a VE-7 Airplane
The Gaseous Explosive Reaction: A Study of the Kinetics of Composite Fuels
Wheel Brakes and Their Application to Aircraft
Calculation of Airplane Performances Without the Aid of Polar Diagrams
Supermarine S.5 Seaplane (British): Winner of the 1927 Schneider Cup Race
Synopsis of French Aeronautic Equipment: Aeronautic Instruments
Welding in Airplane Construction
The Gloster "Goldfinch" (British): Single-Seat Fighter
The "Gloster IV" Seaplane (British)
Ignition Points and Combustion Reactions in Diesel Engines: Part 2
The Sikorsky Twin Engined Amphibian, Type S-38, Model 1928
Crank Case Scavenging of a Two-Stroke-Cycle Engine
Ignition and Combustion Phenomena in Diesel Engines
Motion of Fluids With Very Little Viscosity
Flight tests on U.S.S. Los Angeles Part 1: full scale pressure distribution investigation
The effect of the walls in closed type wind tunnels
Speed and deceleration trials of U.S.S. Los Angeles
The prediction of airfoil characteristics
Water pressure distribution on a twin-float seaplane
Focke-Wulf A 17 Commercial Airplane "Mowe" (German)
The Fokker "Trimotor F VII" Commercial Transport Monoplane
The Fokker "Universal" Commercial Airplane
Wind tunnel force tests in wing systems through large angles of attack
The Formation of Ice Upon Exposed Parts of an Airplane in Flight
Gluing Practice at Aircraft Manufacturing Plants and Repair Stations
Welding of High Chromium Steels
Full Scale Drag Tests on Various Parts of Sperry Messenger Airplane
The Effect on Performance of a Cutaway Center Section
The Effect of Tip Shields on a Horizontal Tail Surface
Preliminary Report on the Flat-Top Lift Curve as a Factor in Control at Low Speed
Corrosion Embrittlement of Duralumin I: Practical Aspects of the Problem
Corrosion Embrittlement of Duralumin IV: The Use of Protective Coatings
Drag and Cooling With Various Forms of Cowling for a Whirlwind Engine in a Cabin Fuselage
The Variation in Pressures in the Cockpit Fan Airplane in Flight
The Reaction on a Float Bottom When Making Contact With Water at High Speeds