Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Structure in Paleozoic Bituminous Coals
Manganese: Uses, Preparation, Mining Costs and the Production of Ferro-Alloys
Globe-Miami district mine rescue and first-aid association
The petroleum experiment station of the Federal Bureau of Mines at Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Analyses of Air from Burning Buildings
Ventilation in metal mines :a preliminary report
The analysis of sulphur forms in coal
The determination of oxides of nitrogen
Permeation of oxygen breathing apparatus by gases and vapors
The detection and estimation of platinum in ores /C.W. Davis.
The utilization of waste slate as a filler
A fatal quarry accident from falling rock
Nature of shale oil obtained from oil-shale assay retort used by the Bureau of Mines
Notes on the oil-shale industry with particular reference to the Rocky Mountain district
Gases produced in the use of carbon tetrachloride and foamite fire extinguishers in mines.
Relation of lead poisoning in Utah to mining
A convenient and reliable retort for assaying oil shales for oil yield
Coal-dust hazards in industrial plants
Picric acid as a blasting agent
Investigation of low-grade and complex ores in Colorado
The fluorspar industry in 1919-1920
Cooperative mining at the Keely Mine, Dugger, Indiana
Underground loading devices in metal mines
Methane in California gold mines
Rate-of-production curve and its application to the valuation of oil properties
Precautions to be observed in entering abandoned exploratory shafts and pits
Lignite carbonization :carbonized residue briquets
The relative safety of brass, copper, and steel gauzes in miners' flame safety-lamps
Hot high-nitrogen gas in a metal mine
Water-gas apparatus and the use of central district coal as generator fuel
Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1920
The sugar-tube method of determining rock dust in air
Coal and coke mixtures as water-gas generator fuel
Properties of typical crude oils from the Eastern producing fields of the United States
The value of oxygen breathing apparatus in mine rescue operations
Work of the Alaska Mining Experiment Station of the U.S. Bureau of Mines