Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The direct measurement of engine power on an airplane in flight with a hub type dynamometer
Tests on thirteen navy type model propellers
Flow and Drag Formulas for Simple Quadrics
The effect of flight path inclination on airplane velocity
Drag measurements of two thin wing sections at different index values
The air forces on a systematic series of biplane and triplane cellule models
The aerodynamic characteristics of seven frequently used wing sections at full Reynolds number
Experiments on airfoils with trailing edge cut away
Tables for calibrating altimeters and computing altitudes based on the standard atmosphere
Aerodynamic laboratory at Cuatro Vientos
Tests on airplane fuselages, floats and hulls
The Corrosion of Magnesium and of the Magnesium Aluminum Alloys Containing Manganese
Determining the Efficiency of Atomization by Its Fineness and Uniformity
Combustion Time in the Engine Cylinder and Its Effect on Engine Performance
Power Output and Air Requirements of a Two-Stroke Cycle Engine for Aeronautical Use
The Rohrbach "Robbe" Ro VII Seaplane: Military or Commercial
The Rohrbach "Rocco" Seaplane: New German Commercial Seaplane With Two Rolls-Royce "Condor" Engines
Approximations for Column Effect in Airplane Wing Spars
Structural Details From 1926 Paris Aero Salon
The Focke Wulf F.19 "Ente" Tail First Airplane
Climbing Efficiency of Aircraft
High-Speed Oil Engines for Vehicles Part 3
Pressure Distribution Over a Rectangular Monoplane Wing Model Up to 90 Degree Angle of Attack
High-Speed Oil Engines for Vehicles Part 2
Pressure Distribution Tests on PW-9 Wing Models Showing Effects of Biplane Interference
Characteristics of Five Propellers in Flight
A Preliminary Investigation of Supercharging an Air-Cooled Engine in Flight
Systematic Investigation of Joukowsky Wing Sections
The Focke-Wulf "G.L. 18" : Twin-Engine 150 HP. Commercial Airplane
Effects of Roughness on Airfoils
Metal Aircraft Construction at Vickers: Some Interesting New Forms Developed
Some German Gliders of 1920-1923
The Protection of Duralumin From Corrosion
Structural Details of German Gliders
Recent Suggestions in Diesel-Engine Construction
Training Airplane "Avia B.H. 11."
Vojenska-Smolik S.16 Airplane: All-Metal Long-Distance Observation Bi-Plane
The Westland "Widgeon III": "Cirrus II or "Genet II" Engine
Combat and bombing airplane, Amiot 120 B 3
The De Havilland "Tiger Moth": A Low Wing Monoplane