Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Wind Tunnel Standardization Disk Drag
Resistance of a fifteen-centimeter disk
The effect of tube length upon the recorded pressures from a pair of static orifices in a wing panel
Take-Off Distance for Airplanes
Application of The "Magnus Effect" to the Wind Propulsion of Ships
Removing boundary layer by suction
First Experiences With the Rotating Laboratory
Characteristics of a boat type seaplane during take-off
Photographic Time Studies of Airplane Paths
Experiments on Self-Ignition of Liquid Fuels
The A.N.E.C. IV "Missel Thrush" light airplane
N.A.C.A. Flight-Path Angle and Air-Speed Recorder
Propeller Design: Practical Application of the Blade Element Theory 1
Propeller Design - A Simple System Based on Model Propeller Test Data -III
An investigation of the characteristics of steel diaphragms for automatic fuel-injection valves
The Spacing of Orifices for the Measure of Pressure Distributions
The Resistance to the Steady Motion of Small Spheres in Fluids
Steam Power Plants in Aircraft
The N.A.C.A. CYH airfoil section
Propeller Design - A Simple Method for Determining the Strength of Propellers - IV
The characteristics of the N.A.C.A. M-12 airfoil section
The Drag of Airships : II - Drag of Bare Hulls
Report on Tests of Metal Model Propellers in Combination With a Model VE-7 Airplane
Navy Propeller Section Characteristics as Used in Propeller Design
Test of a Model Propeller With Symmetrical Blade Sections
Tests of Several Bearing Materials Lubricated by Gasoline
Influence of the Orifice on Measured Pressures
Experiments With an Airfoil From Which the Boundary Layer Is Removed by Suction
Approximation method for determining the static stability of a monoplane glider
Nieuport-Delage Pursuit Airplane 48 C. 1. : "jockey" type
Lockheed "Vega" airplane : a commercial cabin monoplane
Liore-Olivier LeO 194 seaplane
Caproni airplane Ca 73 (commercial) and Ca 73 ter (military)
The Blackburn "Bluebird" "two-seat training and sport airplane
Method of correcting wind tunnel data for omitted parts of airplane models
Interaction between air propellers and airplane structures
Seaplanes floats and hulls. Part II
Seaplanes floats and hulls. Part I
Pressure of air on coming to rest from various speeds
Three methods of calculating range and endurance of airplanes
Pressure distribution over airfoils at high speeds
Electrical characteristics of spark generators for automotive ignition
Discussion of the results of the boundary-layer tests of an airfoil fitted with a rotary cylinder