Browse TRAIL Inventories

Note on Vortices on Their Relation to the Lift of Airfoils

Longitudinal oscillation of an airplane Part 1: problem and method

Testing Airplane Fabrics

The Effect of Wind Tunnel Turbulence Upon the Forces Measured on Models

The Induction Factor Used for Computing the Rolling Moment Due to the Ailerons

Structural Weight of Aircraft as Affected by the System of Design

The Logarithmic Polar Curve - Its Theory and Application to the Predetermination of Airplane Performance

The Simplifying Assumptions, Reducing the Strict Application of Classical Hydrodynamics to Practical Aeronautical Computations

The Testing of Aviation Engines Under Approximate Altitude Conditions

Tests of rotating cylinders

The Effect of Slipstream Obstructions on Air Propellers

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (9th). Administrative Report Including Technical Reports Nos. 159 to 185

The Aerodynamic Forces on Airship Hulls

Note on the Air Forces on a Wing Caused by Pitching.

Interference tests on NACA pitot tubes

Nonmetallic diaphragms for instruments

Aeronautic instruments. Section 1: general classification of instruments and problems including bibliography

Preliminary investigation of the effect of a rotating cylinder in a wing

The effects of shielding the tips of airfoils

The application of propeller test data to design and performance calculations

The sparking voltage of spark plugs

Recent experiments at the Gottingen Aerodynamic Institute

Charts for graphical estimation of airplane performance

Flame speed and spark intensity

Air forces on airfoils moving faster than sound

Aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils at high speeds

Airplane parachutes

Standardization tests of NACA no. 1 wind tunnel

Altitude of equilibrium of an airship

Pressure Distribution on Joukowski Wings

Elements of the Wing Section Theory and of the Wing Theory

Determination of Ignition Points of Liquid Fuels Under Pressure

Computation of Cantilever Airplane Wings

Pressure Distribution Over the Wings of an MB-3 Airplane in Flight

Calculation of Wing Spars of Variable Cross-Section and Linear Load

Atomization of Liquid Fuels Part 2: Description of Apparatus, Fuels Tested, Atomization Experiments, Discharge Measurements, Atomization

Atomization of Liquid Fuels Part 1: Relation Between Atomization and Combustion, Methods Employed for Determining the Size of Particles and Small Drops, Choice of Experimental Method

Theory of Flapping Flight

An Introduction to the Helicopter

Pitot-Static Tubes for Determining the Velocity of Air

Preliminary Report on British Commercial Aeronautics

Structural Methods Employed by the Schutte-Lanz Airship Company

Strength Calculations on Airplanes

Inertia Factors of Ellipsoids for Use in Airship Design

Report on Commercial Air Transportation Activities in England, France, Germany and Holland

Schütte-Lanz Airship Projects After the War

Suggestions for Courses of Instruction in Aviation

Concrete Airship Sheds at Orly, France Part 2: Supporting Structure and Method of Moving, Mechanism for Moving the Centering, Apparatus for Handling the Materials, Remarks on Construction Details

Concrete Airship Sheds at Orly, France Part 1: General Aspect of the Problem, Basic Principles of the Final Project, Principal Structural Elements

Atomization of Liquid Fuels Part 3: Critical Discussion of Experimental Reesults, Mixing the Atomized Fuel with Air

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