Browse TRAIL Inventories

The American Airship ZR-3

Results of Experiments With Slotted Wings

Two-Seat Light Airplanes Which Participated in Contest Held at Lympne, England, Week of September 29 to October 4, 1924

Balloon Flight and Atmospheric Electricity

Light Airplanes Which Participated in Contest at Lympne, England, October, 1923

General Rules for Metal Aircraft Construction

Development of Wing-Steered Messerschmitt Gliders

Recent Researches in Airship Construction 3: A New Type of Nonrigid Airship

Recent Researches in Airship Construction 1: Forces of Flow on a Moving Airship and the Effect of the Control Surfaces

Recent Researches in Airship Construction 2: Bending Stresses on an Airship in Flight

Mooring Airships

Air Forces Exerted on Streamlined Bodies with Round or Square Cross- Sections, When Placed Obliquely to the Airstream

Structural and Economic Limits to the Dimensions of Airships

New Application of Principle of Variable-Camber Airfoil: Lachassagne System

Air-Flow Experiments

The influence of inlet air temperature and jacket water temperature on initiating combustion in a high speed compression ignition engine

Tests on Duralumin Columns for Aircraft Construction

The Inertial Coefficients of an Airship in a Frictionless Fluid

The resistance of spheres in wind tunnels and in air

The Influence of the Form of a Wooden Beam on Its Stiffness and Strength 1: Deflection of Beams With Special Reference to Shear Deformations

The Influence of the Form of a Wooden Beam on Its Stiffness and Strength 2: Form Factors of Beams Subjected to Transverse Loading Only

Velocity and Pressure Distribution Behind Bodies in an Air Current

Experiments on the Resistance of Airplane Wheels and Radiators

Combustion of Liquid Fuels in Diesel Engine

Airplanes in horizontal curvilinear flight

A method of determining the dimensions and horsepower of an airship for any given performance

High Altitude Flying

Note on the Pressure Distribution Over the Hull of Elongated Airships With Circular Cross Section

A Study of Static Stability of Airships

A Short Method of Calculating Torsional Stresses in an Airplane Fuselage

Significance of the expression CL³/CD²

Interference of Multiplane Wings Having Elliptical Lift Distribution

Induced Drag of Multiplanes

Practical Method for Balancing Airplane Moments

Increasing the Compression Pressure in an Engine by Using a Long Intake Pipe

Triplane Tests

Note on the Relative Effect of the Dihedral and the Sweep Back of Airplane Wings

Static stability of seaplane floats and hulls

Experimental Investigation of the Effect of an Oscillating Airstream (Katzmayr Effect) on the Characteristics of Airfoils

Micarta propellers IV : technical methods of design

Micarta Propellers 1: Materials

Micarta Propellers III: General Description of the Design

Micarta Propellers 2: Method of Construction

Some Tables of the Factor of Apparent Additional Mass

On the Distribution of Lift Along the Span of an Airfoil With Displaced Ailerons

Remarks on the Pressure Distribution over the Surface of an Ellipsoid, Moving Translationally Through a Perfect Fluid

Tests on a model of the D airplane T 39 of the "Deutsche Flugzeug Werke" (German Airplane Works)

Curvilinear Flight of Airplanes

Comparing the Performance of Geometrically Similar Airplanes

Torsional Strength of Nickel Steel and Duralumin Tubing as Affected by the Ratio of Diameter to Gage Thickness

Published Year



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