Browse TRAIL Inventories

Low-Temperature Carbonization of Coal

Manual of Testing Methods for Oil Shale and Shale Oil

Safe practices at oil derricks

Precipitation of gold and silver from cyanide solution on charcoal

Analyses of Indiana coals

Reduction mills in Oregon in 1925

Metallurgical limestone

Timbering along the robbing line :factors influencing falls of roof in coal mines

Rock-dusting in coal mines

Some economic phases of the carbon-black industry

Railroad fuel oil consumption in 1926

Sources and distribution of major petroleum products :Atlantic Coast states - 1926

Mine safety as affected by electrification

Railroad fuel oil consumption

Heavy liquids for mineralogical analyses

Explosibility of coal dust from four mines in Utah

Production of explosives in the United States :during the calendar year 1926 : with notes on mine accidents due to explosives

Geophysical methods of prospecting :a brief and elementary account of the principles involved

The function of steam in the limekiln

Accidents at metallurgical works in the United States :during the calendar year 1925

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1926

Iron blast-furnace reactions

Blast-furnace gas studies

Hydraulic classification :its theory, mechanical development, and application to ore dressing : with a chapter on Methods of determining the densities of liquids and ore pulps

Identification of oil-field waters by chemical analysis

Stop, look and listen! :the roof is going to fall

Desulphurizing action of manganese in iron

The tin situation from a domestic standpoint

Consumption of tin in the United States, 1925

One hundred per cent of the employees of two large Illinois coal mines trained in first aid

Reduction mills in Idaho in 1925

Reduction mills in Utah in 1925

Sources and distribution of major petroleum products :Atlantic Coast states-1925

How are men killed in mines by falls of roof and coal?

Questions and answers on Bureau of Mines approvals of electrical equipment

One hundred and one questions on electrical inspection in and about mines

The chromium situation from a domestic standpoint

Effective rock-dusting of coal mines

Area of unsupported roof in coal mines :conditions and factor[s] for consideration

Fatal accident from entering unventilated raise after blasting


Coal-mine safety organization.

Wanted :more detailed reports on electrical accidents

Instructions for sampling atmospheric dust by the impinger method

Permissible explosives defined

Some phases of accident prevention in industry

The motor-fuel situation

Technology and Uses of Silica and Sand

Development, Mining, and Handling of Ore in Folded and Faulted Areas, Red Iron Mines, Birmingham District, Alabama

Passage of Solid Particles Through Rotary Cylindrical Kilns

Published Year



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