Browse TRAIL Inventories

Coking of Illinois coal in Koppers type oven :an operating test at the St. Paul plant of Minnesota By-product Coke Co., conducted jointly by National Bureau of Standards and Bureau of Mines

Metal-mine accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1917 :(with supplemental labor and accident tables for the years 1911 to 1917, inclusive)

Method of administering leases of iron-ore deposits belonging to the state of Minnesota.

Vitiation of garage air by automobile exhaust gases

Combustion and flue gas analysis

Notes on lignite :its characteristics and utilization

Combustion experiments with North Dakota lignite

Production of explosives in the United States during the calendar year 1918 :with notes on coal-mine accidents due to explosives and a list of permissible explosives tested to March 31, 1919

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar years 1918

Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining: January to May 1919

Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining Reported from January to May 1918

Petroleum Investigations and Production of Helium

Experiment Stations of the Bureau of Mines

War Minerals, Nitrogen Fixation and Sodium Cyanide

Saving Coal in Steam Power Plants

Cost Keeping for Small Metal Mines

Traps for Saving Gas at Oil Wells

Approximate Quantitative Microscopy of Pulverized Ores, Including the Use of the Camera Lucida

Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining: May to September, 1918

Petroleum Investigations and Production of Helium

Explosives and Miscellaneous Investigations

Electrodeposition of Gold and Silver from Cyanide Solutions

The Decline and Ultimate Production of Oil Wells, with Notes on the Valuation of Oil Properties

Report of a Joint Committee Appointed from the Bureau of Mines and the United States Geological Survey by the Secretary of the Interior to Study the Gold Situation: October 30, 1918

Recovery of Zinc from Low-Grade and Complex Ores

Illinois Mining Statutes Annotated

Bibliography of Petroleum and Allied Substances in 1916

Recent Developments in the Absorption Process for Recovering Gasoline from Natural Gas

Removal of the Lighter Hydrocarbons from Petroleum by Continuous Distillation: with Especial Reference to Plants in California

A Preliminary Report on the Mining Districts of Idaho

War Gas Investigations: Advance Chapter from Bulletin 178, War Work of the Bureau of Mines

Miners' Safety and Health Almanac for 1920

Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining: September to December, 1918

Published Year



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