Browse TRAIL Inventories

The use of aluminum for oil lease tanks.

Reduction of evaporation losses from gasoline bulk-storage station tanks

The use of aluminum for oil lease tanks.

Hydrogen-sulpfide content of the gas in some producing oil fields

The effect of oxygen on gaseous hydrogen sulphide corrosion of tank steel

Corrosion of steel by gases containing traces of hydrogren sulphide :effect of pressure and moisture conditions

Reduction of evaporation losses from gasoline bulk-storage stations

Preliminary Report on the Disposal of Oil-Field Brines in the Ritz-Canton Oil Field, McPherson County, Kansas

Disposal of Oil-Field Brines in the Arkansas River Drainage Area in Western Kansas

Disposal of petroleum wastes on oil-producing properties :with a chapter on soils and water resources of Kansas oil areas

Typical oil-field brine-conditioning systems:preparing brine for subsurface injection

Study of brine-disposal systems in Illinois oil fields

Use of Brine in a Kansas Field for Secondary Recovery of Oil

Published Year

