Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Tests of a Hermes A-2 Missile Body at Mach Number 4.04
An Investigation of Flow Characteristics at Mach Number 4.04 Over 6- and 9-Percent-Thick Symmetrical Circular-Arc Airfoils Having 30-Percent-Chord Trailing-Edge Flaps
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two Delta Wings at Mach Number 4.04 and Correlations of Lift and Minimum-Drag Data for Delta Wings at Mach Numbers From 1.62 to 6.9
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low-aspect-ratio Wings at High Supersonic Mach Numbers
Normal force, center of pressure, and zero-lift drag of several ballistic-type missiles at Mach numbers of 4.05
Longitudinal and lateral aerodynamic characteristics at combined angles of attack and sideslip of a generalized missile model having a rectangular wing at a Mach number of 4.08