Browse TRAIL Inventories

Consideration of Auxiliary Jet Propulsion for Assisting Take-Off

The effect of exhaust-stack shape on the design and performance of the individual cylinder exhaust-gas jet-propulsion system

Flight tests of NACA jet-propulsion exhaust stacks on the supermarine spitfire airplane

Exhaust-stack nozzle area and shape for individual cylinder exhaust-gas jet-propulsion system

Flame-visibility tests with individual exhaust stacks

Performance of Blowdown Turbine Driven by Exhaust Gas of Nine-Cylinder Radial Engine

Performance of Hoods for Aircraft Exhaust-Gas Turbines

Thermodynamic Charts for the Computation of Combustion and Mixture Temperatures at Constant Pressure

The Performance of a Composite Engine Consisting of a Reciprocating Spark-Ignition Engine, a Blow-Down Turbine, and a Steady-Flow Turbine

Charts for the Analysis of One-Dimensional Steady Compressible Flow

Constant-Pressure Combustion Charts Including Effects of Diluent Addition

Published Year
