Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Calculation of the Aileron and Elevator Stick Forces and Rudder Pedal Forces for the Bell XP-83 Airplane (Project MX-511) in Spins
Free-Spinning-Tunnel Tests of a 1/26th Scale Model of the Douglas XTB2D-1 Airplane
Free-Spinning, Longitudinal-Trim, and Tumbling Tests of 1/17.8-Scale Models of the Cornelius XFG-1 Glider
Effect of Horizontal-Tail Position on the Hinge Moments of an Unbalanced Rudder in Attitudes Simulating Spin Conditions
Hinge-moment characteristics of balanced elevator and rudder for a specific tail configuration on a fuselage in spinning attitudes
Investigation of the Trim Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Fleetwings XBTK-1 Airplane over a Wide Range of Angles of Attack
Summary of Results of Tumbling Investigations Made in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel on 14 Dynamic Models
The Influence of Dimensional Modifications upon the Spin and Recovery Characteristics of a Tailless Airplane Model Having Its Wings Swept Forward 15 Degrees (Cornelius XFG-1)
Free-Spinning, Longitudinal-Trim, and Tumbling Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Consolidated Vultke MX-813 (Prototype of XP-92) Airplane as Determined in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel
Investigation in Simulated Vertical Descent of the Characteristics of a Cargo-Dropping Device having Extensible Rotating Blades
The aerodynamic forces and moments on a 1/10-scale model of a fighter airplane in spinning attitudes as measured on a rotary balance in the Langley 20-foot free-spinning tunnel
Summary of Spin and Recovery Characteristics of 12 Models of Flying-Wing and Unconventional-Type Airplanes
Estimation of the Maximum Angle of Sideslip for Determination of Vertical-Tail Loads in Rolling Maneuvers
An analytical study of sideslip angles and vertical-tail loads in rolling pullouts as affected by some characteristics of modern high-speed airplane configurations
Study of Motion of Model of Personal-Owner or Liaison Airplane Through the Stall and Into the Incipient Spin by Means of a Free-Flight Testing Technique
Analytical Study of the Effect of Center-of-Gravity Position on the Response to Longitudinal Control in Landing Approaches of a Swept-Wing Airplane of Low Aspect Ratio Having No Horizontal Tail
Some Notes on the Violent Lateral-Longitudinal Coupling Motions of the Douglas X-3 Airplane in Aileron Rolls
Influence of Automatic Control of Roll Coupling and Pitch-Up on Tail Loads
Notes on a Large-Scale Statistical Program for the Establishment of Maneuver-Loads Design Criteria for Military Airplanes