Browse TRAIL Inventories

Airfoil Pressure Distribution Investigation in the Variable Density Wind Tunnel

Tests in the Variable Density Wind Tunnel to Investigate the Effects of Scale and Turbulence on Airfoil Characteristics

The N.A.C.A. High-Speed Wind Tunnel and Tests of Six Propeller Sections

Tests of 16 related airfoils at high speed

The Compressibility Burble

The Compressibility Burble and the Effect of Compressibility on Pressures and Forces Acting on an Airfoil

Tests of N-85, N-86 and N-87 Airfoil Sections in the 11-Inch High Speed Wind Tunnel

Tests of Airfoils Designed to Delay the Compressibility Burble

Drag of Several Gunner's Enclosures at High Speeds

Compressibility Effects in Aeronautical Engineering

Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Compressibility on the Maximum Lift Coefficient, Special Report

Tests of Airfoils Designed to Delay the Compressibility Burble

Tests of Airfoils Designed to Delay the Compressibility Burble

Investigation of the NACA 4-(3)(8)-045 Two-Blade Propellers at Forward Mach Numbers to 0.725 to Determine the Effects of Compressibility and Solidity on Performance

Characteristics of Low-Aspect Ratio Wings at Supercritical Mach Numbers

Characteristics of Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Supercritical Mach Numbers

Published Year
