Browse TRAIL Inventories

Jet-boundary and plan-form corrections for partial-span models with reflection plane, end plate, or no end plate in a closed circular wind tunnel

Jet-boundary and plan-form corrections for partial-span models with reflection-plane, end-plate, or no end-plate in a closed circular wind tunnel

Method for calculating wing characteristics by lifting-line theory using nonlinear section lift data

Experimental and calculated characteristics of three wings of NACA 64-210 and 65-210 airfoil sections with and without 2 degree washout

Method for calculating wing characteristics by lifting-line theory using nonlinear section lift data

Investigation in the Langley 19-foot pressure tunnel of two wings of NACA 65-210 and 64-210 airfoil sections with various type flaps

Investigation in the Langley 19-foot pressure tunnel of two wings of NACA 65-210 and 64-210 airfoil sections with various type flaps

Preliminary Investigation at a Mach Number of 1.9 and a Reynolds Number of 2,200,000 of Three Ailerons Applicable to the Bell XS-2 Airplane Design

Published Year

