Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Flight tests of F2A-2 airplane with full-span slotted flaps and trailing-edge and slot-lip ailerons
Flight measurements of the lateral control characteristics of narrow-chord ailerons on the trailing edge of a full-span slotted flap
Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a Semispan Model of the XF7U-1 Tailless Airplane at Transonic Speeds by the NACA Wing-Flow Method, TED No. NACA DE307
Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a Semispan Airplane Model With a Sweptback Wing and Tail From Tests at Transonic Speeds by the NACA Wing-Flow Method
Measurement Through the Speed of Sound of Static Pressures on the Rear of Unswept and Sweptback Circular Cylinders and on the Rear and Sides of a Wedge by the NACA Wing-Flow Method