Browse TRAIL Inventories

The effect of pitch on force and moment characteristics of full-scale propellers of five solidities

Pressure-distribution measurements on the rotating blades of a single-stage axial-flow compressor

Pressure-Rise and Leakage-Loss Characteristics of a Rotating Cowling

An Investigation of the Effects of a Vortex-Generator Configuration on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 1/4-Scale Model of the X-1 Airplane (10-Percent-Thick Wing)

A correlation with flight tests of results obtained from the measurement of wing pressure distributions on a 1/4-scale model of the X-1 airplane (10-percent-thick wing)

Effects of leading-edge slats on the aerodynamic characteristics of a 45 degree sweepback wing-fuselage configuration at Mach numbers of 0.4 to 1.03

Aerodynamic load measurements and opening characteristics of automatic leading-edge slats on a 45©� sweptback wing at transonic speeds

The aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of a model with a 45 degree sweptback wing, including the effect of leading edge slats and a low horizontal tail

An Investigation of Loads on Ailerons at Transonic Speeds

Investigation at transonic speeds of the loading over a 45 degree sweptback wing having an aspect ratio of 3, a taper ratio of 0.2, and NACA 65A004 airfoil sections

A hydrogen peroxide turbojet-engine simulator for wing-tunnel powered-model investigations

Normal-force and hinge-moment characteristics at transonic speeds of flap-type ailerons at three spanwise locations on a 4-percent-thick sweptback-wing-body model and pressure distribution measurements on an inboard aileron

Effects of Boattail Area Contouring and Simulated Turbojet Exhaust on the Loading and Fuselage-Tail Component Drag of a Twin-Engine Fighter-Type Airplane Model

Effects of Boattail Area Contouring and Simulated Turbojet Exhaust on the Loading and Fuselage-Tail Component Drag of a Twin-Engine Fighter-Type Airplane Model

Published Year

