Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Some effects of air flow on the penetration and distribution of oil sprays
Pressure Fluctuations in a Common-Rail Fuel Injection System
Injection Labs in a Common-Rail Fuel Injection System
Some Characteristics of Fuel Sprays From Open Nozzles
Combustion in a High-Speed Compression-Ignition Engine
Penetration and Duration of Fuel Sprays From a Pump Injection System
Hydraulics of Fuel-Injection Pumps for Compression-Ignition Engines
Penetration and Duration of Fuel Sprays From a Pump Injection System
The Effect of Injection-Valve Opening Pressure on Spray-Tip Penetration
Some characteristics of fuel sprays at low-injection pressures
Effect of High Air Velocities on the Distribution and Penetration of a Fuel Spray
Fuel vaporization and its effect on combustion in a high-speed compression-ignition engine
Preliminary Tests on the Vaporization of Fuel Sprays
Effect of engine operating conditions on the vaporization of safety fuels
Some Factors Affecting Combustion in an Internal-Combustion Engine
Effect of moderate air flow on the distribution of fuel sprays after injection cut-0ff
Distribution and Regularity of Injection From a Multicylinder Fuel-Injection Pump
Effects of air-fuel spray and flame formation in a compression-ignition engine
Fuel spray and flame formation in a compression-ignition engine employing air flow
A preliminary study of flame propagation in a spark-ignition engine
A photographic study of combustion and knock in a spark-ignition engine
Engine performance and knock rating of fuels for high-output aircraft engines
The influence of directed air flow on combustion in spark-ignition engine