Browse TRAIL Inventories

Internal-Flow Systems for Aircraft

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Spoiler-Slot Aileron on an NACA 23012 Airfoil With a Full-Span Fowler Flap

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of an NACA 23012 Airfoil With 30 Percent-Chord Venetian-Blind Flaps

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Plain and a Slot-Lip Aileron on a Wing With a Full-Span Flap Consisting of an Inboard Fowler and an Outboard Slotted Flap

Internal-Flow Systems for Aircraft

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Slot-Lip Aileron and Slotted Flap for Dive Brakes

Wind-Tunnel Development of Ailerons for the Curtiss XP-60 Airplane, Special Report

Wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA full-span high-lift lateral-control combination 1: section characteristics, NACA 23012 airfoil

Wind tunnel investigation of a plain aileron with various trailing-edge modifications on a tapered wing 2: ailerons with thickened and beveled trailing edges

Wind-tunnel investigation of a plain aileron and a balanced aileron on a tapered wing with full-span duplex flaps

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Full-Span Retractable Flap in Combination With Full-Span Plain and Internally Balanced Ailerons on a Tapered Wing

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Trimming Tabs on a Thickened and Beveled Aileron on a Tapered Low-Drag Wing

Collection of Balanced-Aileron Test Data

Published Year
