Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Proposal for a Propeller Side-Force Factor
Formulas for propellers in yaw and charts of the side-force derivative
Formulas for propellers in yaw and charts of the side-force derivative
Notes on the propeller and slipstream in relation to stability
Field of Flow About a Jet and Effect of Jets on Stability of Jet-Propelled Airplanes
The stability derivatives of low-aspect-ratio triangular wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds
A transonic propeller of triangular plan form
Effect of Slipstream Rotation in Producing Asymmetric Forces on a Fuselage
Stability derivatives of triangular wings at supersonic speeds
The Stability Derivatives of Low-Aspect-Ratio Triangular Wings at Subsonic and Supersonic SPeeds