Browse TRAIL Inventories

A study of the oxidation of coal

Metallurgical treatment of the low-grade and complex ores of Utah :A preliminary report

Some properties of the water in coal

Anhydrous aluminum chloride

The purification of copper sulphate solutions

Resume of work of the nonmetals division :calendar year 1936

Annual report of the nonmetals division, fiscal year 1937

Beneficiation of spodumene by decrepitation

Flotation and agglomerate concentration of nonmetallic minerals

Annual report of the nonmetals division :fiscal year 1938

Annual report of the nonmetals division, fiscal year 1939

Annual report of the nonmetals division, fiscal year 1940

Minerals used in welding

Report of the nonmetals division, fiscal year 1941

Lamellar grading of powdered mica

Contact potential in electrostatic separation

An electrostatic separator for fine powders

Fluorescent minerals used in lighting and elsewhere

Perlite, source of synthetic pumice

Dielectric constant in air-ambient electrostatic separation

Electrolytic preparation of zinc dust

Anodic deposition of manganese dioxide

Universal type electrostatic separator

Published Year

