Browse TRAIL Inventories

Wind-tunnel investigation of 20-percent-chord plain and Frise ailerons on an NACA 23012 airfoil

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Perforated Split Flaps for Use as Dive Brakes on a Tapered NACA 23012 Airfoil

A study of the application of data on various types of flap to the design of fighter brakes

Aerodynamic Characteristics and Flap Loads of the Brake-Flap Installation on the 0.40-Scale Model of the F4F-3 Left Wing Panel

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Plain Aileron with Various Trailing-Edge Modifications on a Tapered Wing 3: Ailerons with Simple and Spring-Linked Balancing Tabs

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of an NACA 23012 Airfoil With a 0.30-Airfoil-Chord Double Slotted Flap

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics 15: Various Contour Modifications of a 0.30-Airfoil-Chord Plain Flap on an NACA 66(215)-014 Airfoil

Wind-tunnel investigation of a plain aileron with thickened and beveled trailing edges on a tapered low-drag wing

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Characteristics of Blunt-Nose Ailerons on a Tapered Wing

Experimental verification of a simplified vee-tail theory and analysis of available data on complete models with vee tails

Analysis of Available Data on Control Surfaces Having Plain-Overhang and Frise Balances

Effects of trailing-edge modifications on pitching moment characteristics of airfoils

Experimental verification of a simplified vee-tail theory and analysis of available data on complete models with vee tails

Comparison of Pitching Moments Produced by Plain Flaps and by Spoilers and Some Aerodynamic Characteristics of an NACA 23012 Airfoil with Various Types of Aileron

Tests to Determine Effects of Slipstream Rotation on the Lateral Stability Characteristics of a Single-Engine Low-Wing Aircraft Model

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Effects of Unsymmetrical Horizontal-Tail Arrangements on Power-on Static Longitudinal Stability of a Single-Engine Airplane Model

Collection and Analysis of Hinge-Moment Data on Control-Surface Tabs

Preliminary investigation at low speed of downwash characteristics of small-scale sweptback wings

Wind-Tunnel Tests at Low Speed of Swept and Yawed Wings Having Various Plan Forms

Flight Tests of Rocket-Powered "Tin-Can" Models of AAF Project MX-800

Effect of a pilot's canopy on the drag of an NACA RM-2 drag research model in flight at transonic and supersonic speeds

Note on some observed effects of rocket motor operation on the base pressures of bodies in free light

Review of some recent data on buffet boundaries

Wind-tunnel tests at low speed of swept and yawed wings having various plan forms

Notes on low-lift buffeting and wing dropping at Mach numbers near 1

Miscellaneous directional-stability data for several airplane-like configurations from rocket-model tests at transonic speeds

An approximation to the effect of geometric dihedral on the rolling moment due to sideslip for wings at transonic and supersonic speeds

Comparison of Wind-Tunnel, Rocket, and Flight Drag Measurements for Eight Airplane Configurations at Mach Numbers Between 0.7 and 1.6

Comparison of Wind-Tunnel, Rocket, and Flight Drag Measurements for Eight Airplane Configurations at Mach Numbers Between 0.7 and 1.6

Comparative Dispersion Data From Ground-Launched 2.25-Inch Rockets Equipped With Cruciform and Monoplane Fins

Presentation on facility problems in high-temperature structures research

Presentation on Facility Problems in High-Temperature Structures Research

Exploratory Materials and Missile-Nose-Shape Tests in a 4,000 Degrees F Supersonic Air Jet

Some Research on the Lift and Stability of Wing-Body Combinations

Published Year

