Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Heat-Transfer Processes in Air-Cooled Engine Cylinders
Correlation of Cooling Data From an Air-Cooled Cylinder and Several Multicylinder Engines
A Method of Measuring Piston Temperatures
Experimental Determination of Exhaust Gas Thrust, Special Report
Flight Tests of Exhaust-Gas Jet Propulsion
Flight Tests of Exhaust Gas Jet Propulsion, Special Report
Exhaust-stack nozzle area and shape for individual cylinder exhaust-gas jet-propulsion system
Effect of exhaust back pressure on engine power
Thermodynamic Data for the Computation of the Performance of Exhaust-Gas Turbines
A Thermodynamic Study of the Turbojet Engine
Cylinder-Temperature Correlation of a Single-Cylinder Liquid-Cooled Engine
Performance Charts for a Turbojet System
A Thermodynamic Study of the Turbine-Propeller Engine