Browse TRAIL Inventories

A Method of Measuring Piston Temperatures

Experimental Determination of Exhaust Gas Thrust, Special Report

Flight Tests of Exhaust-Gas Jet Propulsion

Flight Tests of Exhaust Gas Jet Propulsion, Special Report

Exhaust-stack nozzle area and shape for individual cylinder exhaust-gas jet-propulsion system

Effect of exhaust back pressure on engine power

Thermodynamic Data for the Computation of the Performance of Exhaust-Gas Turbines

Correlation of Wright Aeronautical Corporation cooling data on the R-3350-14 intermediate engine and comparison with data from the Langley 16-foot high-speed tunnel

A Thermodynamic Study of the Turbojet Engine

Cylinder-Temperature Correlation of a Single-Cylinder Liquid-Cooled Engine

Performance Charts for a Turbojet System

Published Year
